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User Reports Entry Panel (Display Type J)

Display J of the Control-D/V User Reports entry panel facilitates access to reports produced by the Job Archiving facility. For more information about this facility, see the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Display J of the User Reports entry panel is illustrated below.

Figure 70 User Reports Entry Panel (Display Type J)

-------------------- CONTROL-D/V - USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                     1. PERMANENT 2. ACTIVE/MIG 3. HISTORY


      REPORT NAME   ===>                 

                                                 Report name, prefix or mask

      USER          ===> PRODJCL                 Recipient name or prefix

      CHILD         ===> Y                       Y-with children

      CATEGORY      ===>                         Category or mask

      DATE FROM     ===>        TO               Report date or relative day

      SHOW MIGRATED ===> Y                       Include migrated reports


      JOBNAME       ===>                         Job name, prefix or mask

      JOBID         ===>                         Job number, prefix or mask

      CCs           ===>                         CC of job

      TIME FROM     ===>        TO               Report time

      SYSTEM ID     ===>                         SMF ID, prefix or mask


      BYPASS PANEL  ===> N                       SHOW RULERS        ===> N


The entry panel is divided into the following sections:

Table 69 User Reports Entry Panel Sections




Report selection criteria.


Special criteria for selection of reports produced by the Job Archiving facility.


Options that affect the format of User Report lists and the reports that are viewed.

INDEX VALUE SELECTION contains criteria used to select one of the following:

The INDEX VALUE criteria are used to make a search of the JOBNAME index to select the matching entries. The JOBNAME field is used both as a report selection criterion and as an argument to the index content search.

Note: For a non-consolidated job, specifying JOBNAME ARCHIVE as a selection criterion in User Reports Entry Panel (Display Type J) will result in an empty Report List (message IOAE53E THERE IS NO DATA TO DISPLAY).

When the display is set to J in the User Reports entry panel, the Active and History Report List display defaults to J. For more information see "Display Type J (Job)" in User Report List Display Types.

For entries that belong to either group, the user can enter line command X to receive a list of JOBNAMEs that are included in the entry. If only one entry would be displayed, the index value list of the JOBNAME index is displayed.

The index value list has a single value for entries before consolidation, and multiple values for entries after consolidation. The user can use line command V to view the full output of the job, or line command X to see entries in the DDNAMES subindex for the selected job.

To obtain display J, type DISPLAY (or its abbreviation DI) followed by a space and the letter J on the command line of the User Reports entry panel and press Enter.

To display the list of jobname records for both consolidated and unconsolidated reports, type Y in the EXPANDED field and press Enter. This option avoids the additional steps of first displaying the report list of consolidated and unconsolidated reports, and then typing X in the OPTION field to see the jobname records for the specific report. For an example of a display of jobname records, see JOBNAME panel.

The description and usage of each field is identical to that of display V. For complete information about each field, see User Reports Entry Panel Fields (Display Type V).

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Entry Panel