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User Reports Entry Panel Fields (Display Type V)

Specify any of the following selection criteria to control which reports are displayed in User Report lists. The symbol C indicates that the field allows character masking.

Table 65 User Reports Entry Panel Fields (Display Type V)




Report name (as set during decollation).


User (recipient) name. The default is all recipients for which the user has authorization, if security module CTDSE04 is implemented. Otherwise, the default is the (first) root of the Recipient Tree.


Earliest and latest report date for reports to be included in the Report list. Date criteria are checked against the following types of dates:a

  • ODATE (original scheduling date)
  • Decollation date
  • Job start date

Dates can be specified in the following formats:

  • mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd, depending on site standard
  • -n where n is the number (from 0 to 99999) of preceding days. For example: –3 means three days ago.
  • LAST (for FROM date only). Limits the display to the latest generation of each report with the same report name and job name. This format is especially valuable when bypassing the User Reports entry panel. The value LAST cannot be specified unless a specific user is specified in the USER field and the TO date field is blank.

Entering a FROM date without a TO date implies the FROM and TO dates are the same. The specified dates are retained when exiting and reentering the User Reports entry panel.


Name of the job that created the report.


This parameter determines if active and/or migrated reports are displayed in the User Reports lists. Valid values:

  • Y – List active and migrated reports. Default.
  • N – List active reports only.
  • O – List migrated reports only.


Index name or mask (1 - 20 characters with no embedded blanks). Valid mask characters:

  • * – Any number of characters (including none)
  • ? – Any one character

An index name or mask is used to select reports and filter indexes displayed in the Index window. If only one index matches a mask, the Index window is not displayed but the values of that index are displayed in the Values of Index panel when accessing the index. If only one report matches the selection criteria, the Quick Access Report list is not displayed when using the Quick Access method.


Index value (1 through 50 characters including embedded blanks). Enclose the value with single (’) or double (") quote marks only if trailing blanks must be included.

If the index is disk resident and contains the specified value (or only one "match" for the specified prefix), that value is used to select report sections for View and Print commands. Otherwise, the Values of Index panel is scrolled to the page that contains the "match" for the specified value (as a prefix), when accessing the index.


Desired Report list display type (or format). Valid values:

  • D – Default – for operations personnel
  • U – User – for end users
  • J – Job – for production control and programmers
  • S – SDSF – similar to IBM’s SDSF
  • A – All fields

Additional report list display types can be defined.


This parameter determines whether the entry panel is bypassed on subsequent entry to the User Reports facility. When the entry panel is bypassed, the last entered set of entry panel values determine which reports are displayed in the User Report list or Quick Access Report list.

Valid values:

  • N – The User Report list is displayed and the entry panel is displayed when you next enter the User Reports facility. Default.
  • Y – The User Report list is displayed. The entry panel is bypassed when you next enter the User Reports facility and the User Report list is displayed instead.
  • Q – The Quick Access Report list is displayed. (If only one report satisfies the selection criteria, the Quick Access Report list is bypassed and the Quick Access panels are displayed.) The entry panel is bypassed when you next enter the User Reports facility and the Quick Access Report list (or Quick Access panel) is displayed instead.

Note: If you enter Q in this field but want to display the User Reports entry panel when you next enter the User Reports facility, use the RETURN command to return to the entry panel before exiting the User Reports facility and reset the value of this field to N.

V (View)

The User Report list is skipped and the first report on the User Report list is automatically viewed. Subsequent reports listed on the first screen of the User Report list are automatically viewed one after the other.

If the User Report list contains more than the number of reports that can be listed on one screen, the User Report list is displayed after the last report on the first screen has been viewed. Otherwise, the User Reports entry panel is displayed.

Parent Topic

Entry Panel