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User Report List Display Types

The User Report list is displayed when the BYPASS PANEL field of the User Reports entry panel is set to Y or N. The various display types are discussed on the following pages. Display types can be changed via the DISPLAY command that is described in Commands of the User Report List.

Display Type D (Default)

Below are examples of Default display types of Permanent, History and Active User Report lists intended for use by the INCONTROL administrator and operations personnel. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 72 User Report List Display Type D (Default) – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <D> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME   more+  JOB      COP FORM C DEST    UDEST        WTR


  MGT      BANKING REPORT       M22RPTS  000 STD  X RMT2


Figure 73 User Report List Display Type D (Default) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT        more + ODATE     PAGES    LINES   STATUS

  MGT      BANKING REPORT       08/08/00     40     1839   Wait restore

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00    328    14361   Backed up

Figure 74 User Report List Display Type D (Default) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      2       91 V A Printed

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       10 V   Wait Print

  MGT      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       27     Printed

  MGT      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       18   G Wait Print

  MGT      BANKING REPORT       08/08/00     23     1062     Decollated

  MGT      BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      5      256 V T Decollated

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      3      131     Printed

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00    286    10864     Wait Print

  PROD     INVENTORY REPORT     08/08/00     97     4127 V   Printed

  PROD     INVENTORY REPORT     08/08/00     10      426     Wait Print

  PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      8      369 V T Printed

  PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      3      169     Wait Print

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE REPORTS IN THE LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======


 X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       08.02.09

Table 72 Fields in the Default (D) Display Type




Name of the report recipient as defined in the decollating mission.

REPORT (NAME) more +

First 20 characters of the full name of the report as defined in the decollating mission.


Original scheduling date (date report was originally scheduled to be run).


Number of pages in the report.


Number of lines in the report.


View indicator. Usage is optional and is determined by parameter SUSRVEW in the User profile member. If not used, it is blank. This field may be used as a 1-character flag:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • Y – Report has been viewed

Can also be used as a 1, 2, or 3 digit counter:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • 1 to 9, 1 to 99, or 1 to 255 – Number of times report was viewed
  • * – Report viewed over 9 or 99 times


Current status of the report. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.


Name of the job that creates the report.


Copy count to be used when the report is printed. Valid values are 0 up to the maximum number allowed, and DFT (the default number of copies). The maximum and DFT are set in the Report Decollating parameters by authorized personnel.


Form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate this field. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class that is not under user control.


Remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for Control-D/WebAccess Server users only).


External writer name.


Note indicator. Indicates the type of notes, if any, attached to the report:

  • blank – No notes
  • G – General note
  • T – Tag notes
  • A – Both General and Tag notes

For details about notes, see Notepad Facility.

Display Type D – Additional Info

Below are examples of the Additional Info option specified in the Default display type of the Permanent, History and Active User Report lists. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 75 User Report List Display Type D – Additional Info – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST  JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME   more + JOB      COP FORM C DEST    UDEST        WTR



     From User       :

     Additional Users: DP-MGR

     Print Missions  : STD

     Category:  AFP                                                  

     Pagedef: A       Formdef:         Output:           Chars: **** 

     Approval: Y   Name: APRV1   Hidden:Y  Store:    SLA: 10

  MGT      BANKING REPORT       M22RPTS  000 STD  X RMT2

Figure 76 User Report List Display Type D – Additional Info – History List

HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  MGT      BANKING REPORT       08/08/00     40     1839 Wait restore

    Report name: BANKING REPORT

    Run: 08/08/00 12:57 - 13:03     Decollated: 08/08/00 13:04

    Copies: 001 Form: STD           Class: X          

    Remarks: C0000

    Dest  :                         WTR:  

    Category: CREATED              Fromuser:          Job: JOBABC         JN: 0372934

    Approval          StatAp           Hidden      Init_Hidden   Multi        SLA

                    Type            Waiting

Figure 77 User Report List Display Type D – Additional Info – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR VENA     CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT        more + ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS            

  MGT      BANKING REPORT       08/11/15     66     1304 *   Wait print-Wait bk

    Report name: BANKING REPORT                                                

    Run:          00:00 - 00:00     Decollated: 08/11/15 14:20                 

    Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: E                                   

    Remarks: TXTOK1                                                            

    Dest  :                         WTR:                                       

    Category: AEGON3               Fromuser:          Job: K56CMD   JN: 0033821

    Additional Users:                                                          


    Approval APP1     StatAp Wait Appr Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA 963  

                      Type            Waiting                                  

Table 73 Additional Info Fields in the Default (D) Display Type



Report name

Full name of the report as defined in the decollation mission.


  • For MSGCLASS output or sysout decollated by the same decollation mission: Date and (from/to) time of the execution of the job that created the report
  • For sysout decollated without MSGCLASS output: Original SYSOUT creation date and time


Date and time the report was decollated.


Copy count to be used when the report is printed. Valid values: 0 to the maximum number allowed, and DFT (the default number of copies). The maximum and DFT are set in the report decollating parameters by authorized personnel.


Form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate this field. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class that is not under user control.


Required remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for users of Control-D/WebAccess Server only).


External writer name.


Three remarks generated by the DO REMARK, DO REMARK2, and DO REMARK3 options of the report decollating mission. The first remark may also be a Condition code. It is the highest condition code from among the job-execution, or other job-termination codes including

  • system and user abend codes
  • JFAIL (JCL error).

Note: Condition codes and termination codes are available only for MSGCLASS output.

If there is more than one remark in each field, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain specific display types.


Category name (an installation defined term, such as DAILY or MONTHLY).


Name of the job that creates the report.


Job ID (JNUM). JES job number of the job that created the report.


An approval name, defined in the Approval Tree, comprised of 1 or more users, that can approve this report from Control-D/WebAccess Server.


Determines to whom the report is visible. Valid values:

  • Y- the report is only visible by the permitted users defined in the Approval Name
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users
  • blank (default) - has the same value as N


Defines to whom the report is visible just after decollation or the Add this report operation.

Valid values:

  • Y - the report is visible to all permitted users defined in the Approval Name.
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users.
  • Blank - the report is visible by all permitted users (default).


Whether the approval status of this report is relevant to more reports.

Valid values:

  • S (SYSOUT) - the approval is defined for a specific report but applies to all reports that relate to the same SYSOUT ($SYSDATA record).
  • blank - the approval status is relevant only to this report (default).


Multi Approval type, either Multistage or Parallel.


The number of end users that are left to complete the Parallel Approval process.

Additional Users

List of other users to whom this report is distributed in addition to the current user. Updates can be made before the report is decollated. By default, only users in the Recipient Tree can be specified. However, if the SUS2TRE Profile variable is set to N (No), the Recipient Tree is not checked for the specified users.

Print Missions

Missions used to print the report. The printing mission usually represents the paper type (for example, STD).


Name of the user from which this report (part) has been received.


Defines the report for approval.

Valid values:

  • Y- the approval process is activated for the report created by the Print mission with STORE = Y and not for the decollated report.
  • N (default)- the approval process is activated on the decollated report.


Service Level Agreement - The number of days after the report is generated that the report must be approved.

Valid values:

  • blank (default) - the SLA is not defined
  • 0 - the SLA is not defined
  • 1 to 999


Current approval status of the report.

Valid values:

  • Wait Appr - the report is in the approval process and is waiting for approval
  • Approved - the report was approved by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Rejected - the report was rejected by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Frc App - the report was force approved by the CTDAPRV utility
  • Frc Rej - the report was force rejected by the CTDAPRV utility

For a description of the Pagedef, Formdef, Output, and Chars fields, see "Display Type U – Additional Info".

Display Type U (User)

Below are examples of User display type for the Permanent, Active and History User Report lists. Since only the end user’s own reports are displayed, this display type does not include the USER field. Fields labeled below are discussed on next page.

Figure 78 User Report List Display Type U (User) – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR





Figure 79 User Report List Display Type U (User) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O REPORT       more +  ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK

  EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       18   001 Wait restore

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      9      558   001 Backed up

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      5      256   001 Backed up

Figure 80 User Report List Display Type U (User) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O REPORT       more +  ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK

  EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       18   001 Wait print

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      5      256   001 Decollated

  INVENTORY REPORT     08/08/00    519    23838 3 001 Wait print

  GENERAL LEDGER       08/08/00    220     8354   002 Printed

  ANNUAL REPORT        08/08/00  24385   998704   001 Decollated

  SALARY REPORT        08/08/00    104     4116   001 Printed

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE REPORTS IN THE LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======


  X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS      08.02.09

Table 74 Fields in the User (U) Display Type



REPORT (NAME) more +

First 20 characters of the name of the report as defined in the decollating mission.


Original scheduling date (date the report was originally scheduled to be run).


Number of pages in the report.


Number of lines in the report.


View indicator. Usage is optional and is determined by the SUSRVEW parameter in the User profile member. If not used, it is blank. This field can be used as a 1-character flag:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • Y – Report has been viewed

VIEW can also be used as a 1, 2 or 3 digit counter:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • 1 to 9, 1 to 99, or 1 to 255 – Number of times report was viewed
  • * – Report viewed over 9 or 99 times


Copy count to be used when the report is printed. Valid values: 0 to the maximum number allowed, and DFT (the default number of copies). The maximum and DFT are set in the report decollating parameters by authorized personnel.


Current status of the report. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.


Condition code and/or remark.

Highest condition code from the job execution, or other job termination codes including system and user abend codes, NCT2 (NOT CATLGD 2) or JFAIL (JCL error).a  Remarks can also be generated by the DO REMARK option of the report decollating mission. If there is more than one remark, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain display types.


Form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate this field. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class that is not under user control.


Remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for users of Control-D/WebAccess Server only).


External writer name.


Name of the user from which this report (part) has been received.

Display Type U – Additional Info

When using option A with display type U, the following Additional Info fields are displayed on the screen. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 81 User Report List Display Type U – Additional Info – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR




     Additional Users:


     Print Missions: STD

     Category:  DAILY                User: MGT      Job: PREMPLR2

     Pagedef: A       Formdef:         Output:           Chars: **** 

     Approval: Y   Name:     Hidden:Y  Store:    SLA:



Figure 82 User Report List Display Type U – Additional Info – History List

HISTORY LIST   <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O REPORT        more + ODATE     PAGES    LINES   COP STATUS            REMARK

  EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       18   001 Wait restore


    Run: 08/08/00 21:19 - 21:34        Decollated: 08/08/00 21:35

    Form: STD         Class: X       

    Remarks: C000

    Dest:                              WTR:  

    Category: CREATED                 Fromuser: 

    Additional Users: 

    Approval:   StatAp:    Hidden:   Init_Hidden:      Multi             SLA:

                Type      Waiting 

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      9      458   001  Backed up

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      5      256   001  Backed up

  INVENTORY REPORT     08/08/00    519    23838   001  Backed up

Figure 83 User Report List Display Type U – Additional Info – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O REPORT        more + ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK

  EMPLOYEES REPORT     08/08/00      1       18   001 Wait print


    Run:          00:00 - 00:00        Decollated: 08/08/00 11:06

    Form: STD  Class: D               

    Remarks: C0000

    Dest:                              WTR:

    Category: DAILY3               Fromuser:          Job: M22RPTS  JN: 0033821

    Additional Users:                                                          

    Approval APP1     StatAp Wait Appr Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA   

                      Type            Waiting                                  

  BANKING REPORT       08/08/00      5      256   001 Decollated

  INVENTORY REPORT     08/08/00    519    23838   001 Wait print

  GENERAL LEDGER       08/08/00    220     8354   002 Printed

  ANNUAL REPORT        08/08/00  24385   998704   001 Decollated

  SALARY REPORT        08/08/00    104     4116   001 Printed

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE REPORTS IN THE LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======



Table 75 Additional Info Fields in the User (U) Display Type



Report name

Full name of the report as defined in the decollation mission.


  • For MSGCLASS output or sysout decollated by the same decollation mission: Date and (from/to) time of the execution of the job that created the report
  • For sysout decollated without MSGCLASS output: Original SYSOUT creation date and time


Date and time that the report was decollated.


Form to use when printing a report in the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate the syntax of the form or its correctness. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class that is not under user control.


Required remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for users of Control-D/WebAccess Server only).


External writer name.


Three remarks generated by the DO REMARK, DO REMARK2, and DO REMARK3 options of the report decollating mission. The first remark may also be a Condition code. It is the highest condition code from among the job-execution, or other job-termination codes including

  • system and user abend codes
  • JFAIL (JCL error).

Note: Condition codes and termination codes are available only for MSGCLASS output.

If there is more than one remark in each field, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain specific display types.


Category name (a site-defined term, such as DAILY or MONTHLY).


Name of the user from which this report (part) has been received.


Name of the job that creates the report.


An approval name, defined in the Approval Tree, comprised of 1 or more users, that can approve this report from Control-D/WebAccess Server.


Determines to whom the report is visible. Valid values:

  • Y- the report is only visible by the permitted users defined in the Approval Name
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users
  • blank (default) - has the same value as N


Defines to whom the report is visible just after decollation or the Add this report operation.

Valid values:

  • Y - the report is visible to all permitted users defined in the Approval Name.
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users.
  • Blank - the report is visible by all permitted users (default).


Whether the approval status of this report is relevant to more reports.

Valid values:

  • S (SYSOUT) - the approval is defined for a specific report but applies to all reports that relate to the same SYSOUT ($SYSDATA record).
  • blank - the approval status is relevant only to this report (default).


Multi Approval type, either Multistage or Parallel.


The number of end users that are left to complete the Parallel Approval process.

Additional Users

List of other users to whom this report is distributed in addition to the current user. Updates can be made before the report is decollated. By default, only users in the Recipient Tree can be specified. However, if the SUS2TRE Profile variable is set to N (No), the Recipient Tree is not checked for the specified users.

Print Missions

Missions used to print the report. The printing mission usually represents the paper type (for example, STD).


PAGEDEF (for AFP output).


FORMDEF (for AFP output).


Name of output statement.


Character sets.


Defines the report for approval.

Valid values:

  • Y- the approval process is activated for the report created by the Print mission with STORE = Y and not for the decollated report.
  • N (default)- the approval process is activated on the decollated report.


Service Level Agreement - The number of days after the report is generated that the report must be approved.

Valid values:

  • blank (default) - the SLA is not defined
  • 0 - the SLA is not defined
  • 1 to 999


Current approval status of the report.

Valid values:

  • Wait Appr - the report is in the approval process and is waiting for approval
  • Approved - the report was approved by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Rejected - the report was rejected by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Frc App - the report was force approved by the CTDAPRV utility
  • Frc Rej - the report was force rejected by the CTDAPRV utility

Display Type J (Job)

Below are examples of the Job display type for Active and History Report lists, including the Additional Info fields. Display type J is intended for operations personnel or programmers. It is usually used to view MSGCLASS output. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 84 User Report List Display Type Job (J) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  PRDRPTS2  8879 08/08/00 08:53 08:58      8 C0000            Backed up

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Decollated: 08/08/00 09:01

  PRDKPL01  9723 08/08/00 09:21 09:28    186 S0C4             Restored

  M22PRO1   8042 08/08/00 09:29 09:35     54 C0000            Backed up

  M22PRO2   8059 08/08/00 09:38 09:54     48 C0000            Backed up

  M010ERM   8068 08/08/00 09:56 10:21     79 C0000            Backed up

  M200EP3   8100 08/08/00 10:25 10:25      3 JFAIL            Backed up

  M22PARM   8218 08/08/00 10:27 10:39     51 C0000            Backed up

  M12AWDT   8423 08/08/00 11:02 11:19      5 C0004            Wait restore

  M08STMIS  9261 08/08/00 11:21 11:42     97 S222             Backed up

Figure 85 User Report List Display Type Job (J) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  PRDRPTS2  8879 08/08/00 08:47 08:47      5       78   C0000

  Ordered: 08/08/00 Decollated: 08/08/00 14:42

  PRDKPL01  9723 08/08/00 09:17 09:17      4      186   S0C4

  M22PRO1   8042 08/08/00 09:28 09:32      4       54   C0000

  M22PRO2   8059 08/08/00 09:47 09:56      4       48   C0000

  M010ERM   8068 08/08/00 09:48 10:22     17      679   C0000

  M200EP3   8100 08/08/00 10:29 10:29     15      583   JFAIL

  M22PARM   8218 08/08/00 11:58 11:58      9      251   C0000

  M12AWDT   8423 08/08/00 14:50 14:51     24      855   C0004

  M08STMIS  9261 08/08/00 15:07 15:10    331    16497   S222

  M0869REP  9262 08/08/00 15:08 15:10    320    16021   U1024

  M225MANL  8443 08/08/00 15:08 15:08      8      539   C0000

  M225MSGD  8463 08/08/00 15:21 15:21      9      701   C0012

  M28RPTU   8521 08/08/00 16:07 16:32     12      954   C0016

  M12WTO2   8650 08/08/00 18:20 18:21     83     3641   C0004

  M12AMWTO  8655 08/08/00 18:23 18:24    152     6737   C0000

  PRDKPL01  8657 08/08/00 18:25 18:25      4      185   S0C4

  M14TES1   8690 08/08/00 18:51 18:51      4       47   C0000

  M19SMPJ   8716 08/08/00 19:18 20:06    135     6143   S222


  X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS      08.02.09

Table 76 Fields in the Job (J) Display Type




Name of the job that created the report.


JES job number of the job that created the report.


  • For MSGCLASS output or sysout decollated by the same decollation mission: Date and time of when the job began execution
  • For sysout decollated without MSGCLASS output: Original SYSOUT creation date and time


  • For MSGCLASS output or sysout decollated by the same decollation mission: Time of when the job finished execution
  • For sysout decollated without MSGCLASS output: Same as STARTED


Number of pages in the report.


Number of lines in the report.


View indicator. Usage is optional and is determined by the SUSRVEW parameter in the User profile member. If not used, it is blank. This field can be used as a 1-character flag:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • Y – Report has been viewed

VIEW can also be as a 1, 2 or 3 digit counter:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • 1 to 9, 1 to 99, or 1 to 255 – Number of times report was viewed
  • * – Report viewed over 9 or 99 times


Condition code and/or remark.

Highest condition code from the job execution, or other job termination codes including system and user abend codes, NCT2 (NOT CATLGD 2) or JFAIL (JCL error).a  Remarks can also be generated by the DO REMARK option of the decollating mission. If there is more than one remark, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain display types.


Current status of the report. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.

Table 77 Additional Info Fields In the Job (J) Display Type




Original scheduling date (date report was originally scheduled to be run).


Date and time that the report (job) was decollated.

Display Type S (SDSF)

Below are examples of the SDSF display type for Active and History Report lists including the Additional Info fields. (SDSF is an IBM program facility.) This format is similar to the SDSF display of jobs in the Held output queue. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 86 User Report List Display Type S (SDSF) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  M08STMIS JOB  2153 08/08/00 0 STD                16497    331   Backed up

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run: 08/08/00 14:27 To: 14:28 Decollated: 08/08/00 14:42

  M20INSCD JOB  2168 08/08/00 0 STD                   37      3   Backed up

  M12AWDT  JOB  2123 08/08/00 0 STD                  855     24   Backed up

  M225MANL JOB  2202 08/08/00 0 STD                  539      8   Backed up

  M225MSGD JOB  2218 08/08/00 0 STD                  701      9   Wait restore

  PRDKPL01 JOB  2329 08/08/00 0 STD                   39      3   Backed up

  PRDKPL01 JOB  2336 08/08/00 0 STD                   39      3   Backed up

  M12WTO2  JOB  2385 08/08/00 0 STD                 3641     83   Backed up

  M12AMWTO JOB  2409 08/08/00 0 STD                 6737    152   Backed up

Figure 87 User Report List Display Type S (SDSF) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  M22RTT1  JOB  8042 08/08/00 0 STD                   54      4   C0000

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run: 08/08/00 14:27 To: 14:28 Decollated: 08/08/00 14:42

  M22MNF1  JOB  8059 08/08/00 0 STD                   48      4   C0000

  M200EP3  JOB  8100 08/08/00 0 STD                  583     15   U0016

  M22PARM  JOB  8218 08/08/00 0 STD                  251      9   C0000

  M20INSCD JOB  8365 08/08/00 0 STD                   37      3   JFAIL

  M12AWDT  JOB  8423 08/08/00 0 STD                  855     24   C0004

  M225MANL JOB  8443 08/08/00 0 STD                  539      8   C0000

  M225MSGD JOB  8463 08/08/00 0 STD                  701      9   C0012

  PRDKPL01 JOB  8513 08/08/00 0 STD                   39      3   JFAIL

  PRDKPL01 JOB  8639 08/08/00 0 STD                   39      3   JFAIL

  M12WTO2  JOB  8650 08/08/00 0 STD                 3641     83   C0004

  M12AMWTO JOB  8655 08/08/00 0 STD                 6737    152   C0000

  PRDKPL01 JOB  8657 08/08/00 0 STD                  185      4   S0C4

  M14EMF1  JOB  8690 08/08/00 0 STD                   47      4   C0000

  M19SMPJ  JOB  8716 08/08/00 0 STD                 6143    135   S222

  PRDRPTS2 JOB  8862 08/08/00 0 STD                    5     78   C0000

  PRDRPTS4 JOB  8879 08/08/00 0 STD                   78      5   C0000

  M08STMIS JOB  9261 08/08/00 0 STD                16497    331   S722

  M0869REP JOB  9262 08/08/00 0 STD                16021    320   S222


  X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS      08.02.09

Table 78 Fields in the SDSF (S) Display Type




Name of the job that creates the report.


3-letter code of the job ID.


Numeric part of the job ID.


Date of decollation.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class that is not under user control.


Form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate this field. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for users of Control-D/WebAccess Server only).


Total number of records (data lines) in the report.


Number of pages in the report.


Condition code and/or remark.

Highest condition code from the job execution, or other job termination codes including system and user abend codes, NCT2 (NOT CATLGD 2) or JFAIL (JCL error).a  Remarks can also be generated by the DO REMARK option of the report decollating mission. If there is more than one remark, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain display types.


Current status of the report. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.

Table 79 Additional Info Fields in the S (SDSF) Display Type




Original scheduling date (date report was originally scheduled to be run).


Date and (from/to) time the report was produced (displayed only if MSGCLASS output is decollated).


Date and time that the report was decollated.

Display Type L (Long)

Below are examples of the Long display type for Permanent, History and Active User Report lists, intended for use by the INCONTROL administrator and operations personnel. Data for each report entry data is located on two lines. Fields labeled below are discussed on the next page.

Figure 88 User Report List Display Type L (Long) – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                   COP FORM C DEST     UDEST    JOB/WTR

  MGT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                           PREMPLR2

                                         DFT STD  X RMT2                     

  MKT      BANKING REPORT                                             M22RPTS

                                         000 STD  X RMT2                     

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                           PREMPLR2

                                         DFT STD  X                          

Figure 89 User Report List Display Type L (Long) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR M*       CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N JOB/STATUS      

  MGT      BANKING REPORT                                    M22RPTS         

                                08/08/00     40     1839     Wait restore    

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00    328    14361     Backed up       

Figure 90 User Report List Display Type L (Long) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR M*       CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N JOB/STATUS      

  MGT      BANKING REPORT                                    M22RPTS         

                                08/08/00     40     1839 V T Decollated      

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00    328    14361     Wait Print      

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00      2       91 V A Printed         

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00      1       10 V   Wait Print      

  MGT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00      1       27     Printed         

  MKT      BANKING REPORT                                    M22RPTS         

                                08/08/00     23     1062     Decollated      

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

Table 80 Fields in the Long (L) Display Type




Full name of the report as defined in the decollating mission.


Name of the job that creates the report in the first line of the report entry. External writer name in the second line of the report entry.


Name of the job that creates the report in the first line of the report entry.

Current status of the report in the second line of the report entry. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.

For a description of the fields, see Table 72.

Display Type L – Additional Info

Below are examples of the Additional Info option specified in the Long display type of the Permanent, History and Active User Report lists. Additional Info fields are discussed on the next page.

Figure 91 User Report List Display Type L – Additional Info – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                   COP FORM C DEST     UDEST    JOB/WTR

  MGT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                           PREMPLR2

                                         DFT STD  X RMT2                     

     From User    :                    

     Additional Users:


     Print Missions :


     Pagedef:       Formdef:          Output:              Chars:

     Approval:    Name:    Hidden:    Store:        SLA:

  MKT      BANKING REPORT                                             M22RPTS

                                         000 STD  X RMT2                     

Figure 92 User Report List Display Type L – Additional Info – History List

HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR M*       CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N JOB/STATUS      

  MGT      BANKING REPORT                                    M22RPTS         

                                08/08/00     40     1839     Wait restore    

    Run: 08/08/00 12:57 - 13:03     Decollated: 08/08/00 13:04               

    Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: X                                 

    Remarks: C0000                                                           

    Dest  :                         WTR:                                     

    Category: DAILY3               Fromuser:          Job: M22RPTS  JN: 0033821

    Approval APP1     StatAp Wait Appr Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA   

                      Type            Waiting                                  

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00    328    14361     Backed up       

Figure 93 User Report List Display Type L – Additional Info – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N JOB/STATUS      

  MGT      BANKING REPORT                                    M22RPTS         

                                08/08/00     40     1839 V T Decollated      

    Run: 08/08/00 12:57 - 13:03     Decollated: 08/08/00 13:04               

    Copies: 001  Form: STD          Class: X                                 

    Remarks: C0000                                                           

    Dest  :                         WTR:                                     

    Category: DAILY3               Fromuser:          Job: M22RPTS  JN: 0033821

    Approval APP1     StatAp Wait Appr Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA   

                       Type           Waiting                                 

  MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                  PREMPLR2        

                                08/08/00    328    14361     Wait Print      

For a description of the fields, see Table 80 and Table 73.

Display Type A (All Fields)

Below are examples of the All Fields display type for Permanent, Active and History Report lists. The fields in these examples are discussed below.

Figure 94 User Reports List Display Type A (All Fields) – Permanent List

PERMANENT LIST <A> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                   COP FORM C DEST              JOB/WTR

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                           PREMPRS2

                                         DFT STD  X

  From User

  Additional Users:


  Print Missions  : STD

  Category:  DAILY

  Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars:

  Approval  Y Name:          Hidden:   Store:   SLA:   

------------------------------- end of record ---------------------------------


  From User:

Figure 95 User Reports List Display Type A (All Fields) – History List

HISTORY LIST   <A> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                                        JOB      JOBNUMB

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                   PRDDRPT1 5833

  CATEGORY DAILY                    FROMUSER

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run: 08/08/00 11:42 To: 12:03 Decollated: 08/08/00 12:04

  Status : Wait restore                                        View:

  Remarks: C0000

  Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: X            P-     42 L-     1683

  Dest:                             WTR:

  Record  ID        : ACC672C4 9E6A8000 RBA: 00000118 UPDT: ACC67755 92F23E00

  Print   Missions  :                                                     

  Restore Mission   : RST0060M   Restore date: 08/07/18                     

  Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****      

  Approval          StatAp           Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA     

                    Type            Waiting                                 

------------------------------- end of record ---------------------------------

Figure 96 User Reports List Display Type A (All Fields) – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <A> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                                        JOB      JOBNUMB

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                   PRDDRPT1 5833

  CATEGORY: DAILY                   FROMUSER:

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run:          00:00 To: 00:00 Decollated: 08/08/00 15:20

  Status : Printed                                             View: V


  Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: X           P-      2 L-       91

  Dest:                             WTR:               :    A

  Record  ID        : ACED682C 86EFE200 RBA: 00000111 UPDT: ACED8AAC 8F040000

  Print   Missions  : PRT1

  Restore Mission   :            Restore date:                         

  Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****      

  Additional Users  :                                                 


  Approval          StatAp           Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA

                    Type            Waiting                           

Table 81 Fields in the All Fields (A) Display Type




Name of the report recipient as defined in the decollating mission.


Full name of the report as defined in the decollating mission.


Name of the job that creates the report.


JES job number of the job that created the report.


Category name (a site-defined term, such as DAILY or MONTHLY).


Name of the user from which this report (part) has been received.


The date the report was originally scheduled to be run.


Date and (from/to) time the report was produced (displayed only if output is decollated).


Date and time that the report was decollated.


Current status of the report. For more information, see Statuses in the Report Lists.


Condition code and/or remark.

Highest condition code from the job execution, or other job termination codes including system and user abend codes, NCT2 (NOT CATLGD 2) or JFAIL (JCL error).a  Remarks can also be generated by the DO REMARK option of the report decollating mission. If there is more than one remark, remarks are separated by commas. The user can update the remark under certain display types.


View indicator. Usage is optional and is determined by parameter SUSRVEW in the User profile member. If not used, it is blank. This field can be used as a 1-character flag:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • Y – Report has been viewed

VIEW can also be used as a 1, 2 or 3 digit counter:

  • blank – Report has never been viewed
  • 1 to 9, 1 to 99, or 1 to 255 – Number of times report was viewed
  • * – Report viewed over 9 or 99 times


Copy count to be used when the report is printed. Valid values are 0 to the maximum number allowed, and DFT (the default number of copies). The maximum and DFT are set in the report decollating parameters by authorized personnel.


Form to use when printing a report on the mainframe computer. Control-V does not validate this field. Validation is the user’s responsibility.


Output printing class. Can be updated under JES2. Under JES3, output is printed in a system defined class which is not under user control.


Remote printer JES destination (node and user ID) for printing the report. When omitted, the report is printed on the main computer printer. Special destination codes CTDPC and CTDPCPRT direct the output for downloading to a PC (for users of Control-D/WebAccess Server only).


External writer name.


Number of pages in the report.


Number of lines in the report.

Record ID

Timestamp indicating when the record was created.

Print Missions

Missions used to print the report. The printing mission usually represents the paper type (for example, STD).

Restore Mission

Mission used to restore the report from tape or cartridge to disk.

Restore Date

Date that the restore mission was executed.


PAGEDEF (for AFP output).


FORMDEF (for AFP output).


Name of output statement.


Character set.


An approval name, defined in the Approval Tree, comprised of 1 or more users, that can approve this report from Control-D/WebAccess Server.

(Approval) Status

Current status of the Approval process. For more information, refer to the Control-D/WebAccess Server User Guide.


Determines to whom the report is visible.

Valid values:

  • Y- the report is only visible by the permitted users defined in the Approval Name
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users
  • blank (default) - has the same value as N


Defines to whom the report is visible just after decollation or the Add this report operation.

Valid values:

  • Y - the report is visible to all permitted users defined in the Approval Name.
  • N - the report is visible by all permitted users.
  • Blank - the report is visible by all permitted users (default).


Whether the approval status of this report is relevant to more reports.

Valid values:

  • S (SYSOUT) - the approval is defined for a specific report but applies to all reports that relate to the same SYSOUT ($SYSDATA record).
  • blank - the approval status is relevant only to this report (default).


Multi Approval type, either Multistage or Parallel.


The number of end users that are left to complete the Parallel Approval process.

Additional Users

List of other users to whom this report is distributed, in addition to the current user. Updates can be made before the report is decollated. By default, only users in the Recipient Tree can be specified. However, if the SUS2TRE Profile variable is set to N (No), the Recipient Tree is not checked for the specified users.


Note indicator. Indicates the type of notes, if any, attached to the report:

  • blank – No notes
  • G – General note
  • T – Tag notes
  • A – Both General and Tag notes

For details about notes, see Notepad Facility.


Address of the record in the file.


Timestamp indicating when the record was last changed.


Service Level Agreement - The number of days after the report is generated that the report must be approved.

Valid values:

  • blank (default) - the SLA is not defined
  • 0 - the SLA is not defined
  • 1 to 999


Current approval status of the report.

Valid values:

  • Wait Appr - the report is in the approval process and is waiting for approval
  • Approved - the report was approved by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Rejected - the report was rejected by a Control-D/WebAccess Server user
  • Frc App - the report was force approved by the CTDAPRV utility
  • Frc Rej - the report was force rejected by the CTDAPRV utility

Display Type A – Additional Info

When using option A with display type A, the following Additional Info fields are displayed on the Active and History Report list screens. Labeled fields are discussed below.

Figure 97 User Report List Display Type A – Additional Info – History List

HISTORY LIST   <A> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                                        JOB      JOBNUMB

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                   PRDDRPT1 5833

  CATEGORY DAILY                    FROMUSER

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run: 08/08/00 11:42 To: 12:03 Decollated: 08/08/00 12:04

  Status : Wait restore                                        View:

  Remarks: C0000

  Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: X            P-     42 L-     1683

  Dest :                            WTR:

  Record  ID        : ACC1B390 7957FC00 RBA: 00000225 UPDT: ACC2C775 B5A4B000

  Print   Missions  :                                                     

  Restore Mission   : RST0060M   Restore date: 08/07/18                    

  Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****           

  Approval          StatAp           Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA     

                    Type            Waiting    

     CDAM-FILE NAME ( 008 )                       FIRST-RBA      LAST-RBA

  01 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N001D00    00000000010128 00000000010A6B

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B1B740      From page : 00000001  Pages : 00000010

  02 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001E01014408 00001E01014645

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B1B345      From page : 00000011  Pages : 00000020

  03 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001E0101467C 00001E01014887

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B15677      From page : 00000021  Pages : 00000030

  04 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001E010148BE 00001E01014938

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B13567      From page : 00000031  Pages : 00000040

  05 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001E0101496D 00001F01010379

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B17654      From page : 00000041  Pages : 00000050

  06 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001F010103B0 00001F0101042A

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B15678      From page : 00000051  Pages : 00000060

  07 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001F0101045D 00001F010108DE

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B18530      From page : 00000061  Pages : 00000070

  08 CDAM.PREMPRS2.J09812.D0601311.S99.N002100    00001F01010915 00001F0101098F

     Sysdata ID : BF9628BF 29B1B4679     From page : 00000071  Pages : 00000080

Figure 98 User Report List Display Type A – Additional Info – Active List

ACTIVE LIST    <A> JOB          REP                      USR MGT      CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O USER     REPORT NAME                                        JOB      JOBNUMB

  DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT                                   PRDDRPT1 5833

  CATEGORY: DAILY                   FROMUSER:

  Ordered: 08/08/00  Run:          00:00 To: 00:00 Decollated: 08/08/00 15:20

  Status : Printed                                             View: V


  Copies : 001 Form : STD           Class: X           P-      2 L-       91

  Dest:                             WTR:               :

  Record  ID        : ACC1BBFD DE290800 RBA: 00000229  UPDT: ACC2C775 C7C61000

  Restore Mission   :            Restore date:                         

  Pagedef:         Formdef:         Output:           Chars: ****      

  Additional Users  :                                                  


  Approval          StatAp           Hidden   Init_Hidden   Multi   SLA

                    Type            Waiting

     CDAM-FILE NAME ( 001 )                       FIRST-RBA      LAST-RBA      

  01 CTD.D90.K56CMD.J33821.D3121420.S92.N002500   00000000010128 0000000201208F

     Sysdata ID : D16B47A0 6EAC0F12      From page : 00000000  Pages : 00000008


     Sysdata ID :                        From page :           Pages :         

Table 82 Additional Info Fields in the All Fields (A) Display Type




Name of the CDAM file that contains the report.


Sequence number of the CDAM file (1 – 20). More than 20 CDAM files can be used but only the first 20 are displayed.


Total number of CDAM files pointed to by the record.


Relative byte address of the first and last record of the CDAM file belonging to the report.

Parent Topic

Report Lists