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Commands of the User Report List

General Commands

Use the scrolling conventions to scroll the User Report list forward (PF08/PF20) and backward (PF07/PF19). Use the FIND command to search for a specified string in the Report list. Use the END command (PF03/PF15) to exit the Report list and return to the previously displayed screen. Use the RETURN command to exit the Report list and return to the User Reports entry panel. Use the =X command to exit the entire Online User Reports facility and return to your normal operating environment.

Table 86 User Report List – General Commands




The REFRESH command (PF04/PF16) refreshes the display of the current User Report list. The selection criteria are activated again and a new list is produced containing reports that were added to the list since the last time the list was entered. The command also refreshes the status of the existing reports in the list.


While in a User Report list, you can change the display type by using the DISPLAY command. Format:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired display type. DISPLAY can be abbreviated DI.


DISPLAY U displays the User display type of the User Report list.


Rulers are sets of screen editing rules that can be used to modify the appearance of reports. The RULER command can be used in the Active (but not the Permanent or History) User Report list to alternately turn the "ruler show mode" on and off. When the "ruler show mode" is ON, rulers currently defined for each report are displayed on the Active Report list. The default mode is set in parameter SHOW RULERS of the Show Options window.


Enter SHOW on the Command line of the User Report list and press Enter. The Show Options window is displayed. This Show Options window enables users to enter additional selection criteria and then redisplay the User Report list. For more information, see Show Options Window.


Records in the User Report list are automatically displayed in default sort order. (The INCONTROL administrator can modify the default sort order for each user.) Command SORT enables the user to change the order in which User Report list records are displayed. (For more information see "SORT PARAMETERS Window" below.)

Command SORT can be specified with or without parameters. If specified without parameters, the Sort Parameters window (below) is opened. This window allows the user to specify a sort based on one or more (maximum 5) fields in ascending or descending order. The sortable fields are listed in the Sort Parameters window.


Figure 100 SORT PARAMETERS Window

ACTIVE LIST     JOB          REP                      USR ADMIN    SORT  (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR



                                08/08/00      3        6     Wait print



|                                                                            |

|                              SORT PARAMETERS                               |

|                                                                            |

|        1   USER                        7   DECOLLATION DATE + TIME         |

|        2   JOB NAME                    8   REMARK                          |

|        3   REPORT NAME                 9   JOBID                           |

|        4   CATEGORY                   10   FORMS                           |

|        5   ODATE                      11   COPIES                          |

|        6   RUN DATE + TIME            12   PRINT MISSION                   |

|                                                                            |

|        SPECIFY FIELD NUMBER AND A OR D FOR SORT ORDER                      |

|                                                                            |

|        SORT FIELDS ===> 03 - A    05 - D       -         -         -       |

|                                                                            |

|        ENTER Y TO PERFORM SORT  Y                                          |

|                                                                            |


Fill in the Sort Parameters window as follows:

Table 87 SORT PARAMETERS Window Fields




Enter sort order parameters: field number to the left of the hyphen and A (ascending) or D (descending) to the right of the hyphen.


Enter Y to exit the window and sort the User Report list. Enter N to exit the window and return to the User Report list without performing the sort.

When reentering the User Report list, records are displayed in default sort order. However, the sort order parameters last used in the Sort Parameters window are retained in the window.

The Sort Parameters window is bypassed if the SORT command includes one or more parameters. The maximum number of parameters is 5. Each parameter is preceded by a blank and consists of a sort field number and the letter A (ascending) or D (descending). The sort field numbers are identical to those displayed in the Sort Parameters window.

For example, SORT 3A 5D specifies a sort by REPORT NAME (ascending) and ODATE (descending).

The default sort order of the User Report list can be modified using parameter SUS2SRTI in the User profile member. For more information, see the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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Report Lists