Mainframe Modernization Jobs

The following topics describe job types for mainframe modernization platforms and services:

Job:AWS Mainframe Modernization

AWS Mainframe Modernization enables you to migrate, manage, and run mainframe applications in the AWS cloud.

To deploy and run an AWS Mainframe Modernization job, ensure that you have completed the following:

The following examples show how to define an AWS Mainframe Modernization job.

  • This JSON defines a job that executes a batch job for an application:

    "AWS Mainframe Modernization_batch_job"
       "Type": "Job:AWS Mainframe Modernization",
       "ConnectionProfile": "AWS_MAINFRAME",
       "Application Name": "Demo",
       "Action": "Start Batch Job",
       "JCL Name": "DEMO.JCL",
       "Retrieve CloudWatch Logs": "checked",
       "Status Polling Frequency": "15",
       "Failure Tolerance": "3"
  • This JSON defines a job that restarts a batch job for an application:

    "AWS Mainframe Modernization_Job_Restart"
        "Type": "Job:AWS Mainframe Modernization",
        "ConnectionProfile": "M2",
        "Application Name": "M2-132",
        "Action": "Restart Batch Job",
        "Rerun Execution ID": "12314-1234-123",
        "From Step": "STEP8",
        "To Step": "STEP10",
        "Retrieve CloudWatch Logs": "checked",
        "Delay Logs Retrieval ": "62",
        "Status Polling Frequency": "55",
        "Failure Tolerance": "1",
  • This JSON defines a job that deploys the newest version of an application:

    "AWS Mainframe Modernization_deploy_app"
       "Type": "Job:AWS Mainframe Modernization",
       "ConnectionProfile": "AWS_MAINFRAME",
       "Application Name": "Demo",
       "Action": "Application Management",
       "Application Action": "Deploy Application",
       "Client Token": "Token_Mainframe_%%ORDERID",
       "Application Version": "1",
       "Environment ID": "sdfywxdeg4wer238634",
       "Status Polling Frequency": "15",
       "Failure Tolerance": "3"

The following table describes the AWS Mainframe Modernization job parameters.






Defines the ConnectionProfile:AWS Mainframe Modernization name that connects Control-M to AWS Mainframe Modernization.

Application Name


Defines the name of the predefined application, on the AWS Mainframe Modernization service, that executes.



Determines one of the following actions to perform:

  • Start Batch Job: Executes a batch job for the defined application.

  • Application Management: Executes an action on the application, as specified by Application Action.

JCL Name

Start Batch Job

Defines the JCL job stream filename to execute.

A job stream is a sequence of JCL statements and data that form a single unit of work for an operating system.

Retrieve CloudWatch Logs

Start Batch Job

Determines whether to append the CloudWatch JCL job stream log to the outputClosed A tab in the job properties pane of the Monitoring domain where the job output appears that indicates whether a job ended OK, and is used, for example, with jobs that check file location..

Only the Micro Focus engine is supported.

Application Action

Application Management

Determines one of the following actions to perform on the defined application:

  • Start: Starts the application.

  • Stop: Stops the application.

  • Update: Updates the application to the newest version.

  • Deploy: Deploys the newest version of the application.

  • Delete: Deletes the application.

Latest Application Version


Defines the current application version on the AWS Mainframe Modernization service.

Definition S3 Location


Defines the pathname of the Amazon S3 bucket that holds the application definition.


Client Token


Defines a unique ID (idempotency token) that guarantees that the job executes only once.

Tokens expire one hour after the job is executed.

Default: Token_Mainframe_%%ORDERID

Application Version


Determines which application version to use for succeeding jobs.

Environment ID


Defines the environment ID where the application is executed.

Status Polling Frequency

All Actions

Determines the number of seconds to wait before Control-M checks the status of the job.

Default: 15

Failure Tolerance

All Actions

Determines the number of times to check the job status before the job ends Not OK.

Default: 3

Job:Micro Focus

Micro Focus enables you to run Job Control Language (JCL) files on mainframe environments, as follows:

  • UNIX: Job:Micro Focus Linux.

  • Windows: Job:Micro Focus Windows.

To deploy and run a Micro Focus job, ensure that you have completed the following:

The following example shows how to define a Micro Focus Windows job:

   "Type": "Job:Micro Focus Windows",
   "ConnectionProfile": "MICROFWINDOWS",
   "JCL Filename": "JCL14",
   "Enable JCL Variables": "checked",
   "Additional Variables": [
      "UCM-exports-N001-element": "MYVAR1=MYVAL1"
      "UCM-exports-N002-element": "MYVAR2=MYVAL2"
   } ],
   "Restart on Rerun": "checked",
   "Rerun Job ID": "J0002571",
   "From Step/Proc": "/jrestart:1006#fSTEP2(3):PSTEP(1)",
   "To Step/Proc": "#tSTEP4(1):PSTEP(2)",
   "Recapture ABEND Codes": "Ignore",
   "Recapture COND Codes": "Ignore",
   "Auto Adjust Restart": "Ignore",
   "Set MF_UCC11": "Ignore",
   "Restart With Modified JCL": "No"

The following table describes the Micro Focus job parameters.



Connection Profile

Defines the ConnectionProfile:Micro Focus name that connects Control-M to Micro Focus.

JCL Filename

Defines the JCL job stream filename to execute.

A job stream is a sequence of JCL statements and data the form a single unit of work for an operating system.


Defines the Partitioned Data Set (PDS) and its members for Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS).

A PDS is a computer file that contains multiple data sets, which are called members. MSS is a program that enables JCL applications to be migrated from a mainframe and maintained, developed, and run on Windows or UNIX platforms.

Enable JCL Variables

Determines whether to enable JCL variables.

This option must be checked if the JCL job stream needs JCL variables, or if it needs additional variables that are defined by the Additional Variables parameter.

Valid Values:

  • checked

  • unchecked

Default: unchecked

Additional Variables

Defines the environment variables that the Micro Focus Batch Scheduler Integration JCL (MFBSIJCL) needs to submit the JCL job stream.

To submit the Control-M variable ODATE to the JCL job stream, you define the variable in the following format:

export PDS=XXX&&export MYVAR=YYY

Restart on Rerun

Determines whether to rerun a JCL job stream from (and to) a specific step that you define in the following attributes.

A JCL job stream contains one or more programs. Each program execution is called a job step, or step.

You can initiate a rerun from the Monitoring domain as long as a job stream has not been hard-killed.

Valid Values:

  • checked

  • unchecked

Default: unchecked

Rerun Job ID

Defines the Job ID for the JCL job stream to rerun.

You can find the Job ID in the Submit Job step where the JCL job stream was first executed in one of the following Micro Focus platforms:

  • UNIX: Micro Focus Visual COBOL

  • Windows: Micro Focus Enterprise Developer

From Step/Proc

Determines which step the JCL job stream rerun starts from, which enables you to define the range of steps in the JCL job stream that is rerun.

To Step/Proc

Defines which step the JCL job stream rerun ends on, which enables you to define the range of steps in the JCL job stream that is rerun.

Recapture ABEND Codes

Determines how to handle abnormal end (ABEND) codes, which call attention to a software or hardware error, from a previous JCL job stream run, as follows:

  • Ignore: Ignores previous ABEND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Use Previous ABEND Codes: Uses previous ABEND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Do Not Use Previous ABEND Codes: Does not use previous ABEND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Reset to RC=0: Resets the return code (RC) to RC=0, which indicates a successful JCL job stream execution.

This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Recapture COND Codes

Determines how to handle condition (COND) codes from a previous JCL job stream run, as follows.

  • Ignore: Ignores previous COND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Use Previous Run COND Codes: Uses previous COND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Do Not Use Previous Run COND Codes: Does not use previous COND codes in the JCL job stream rereun.

  • Reset to RC=0: Resets the return code (RC) to RC=0, which indicates a successful JCL job stream execution.

This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Auto Adjust Restart

Determines whether to automatically adjust the specified From Step/Proc step if an earlier step is bypassed and must be run to successfully rerun a later step in the JCL job streams, as follows:

  • Ignore

  • Yes

  • No

This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Step-Specific Condition Codes

Defines changes to step condition codes and their values in the JCL job stream rerun.


This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Set MF_UCC11

Determines how to enable the UCC11 environment variable, which affects JCL job stream restart functionality, as follows:

  • Ignore

  • Yes: Enables the JCL job stream restart functionality, which identifies the data set as NEW, even if it already exists. This prevents the job from failing if it encounters an already cataloged data set, when this would otherwise cause it to fail.

  • No: Disables the JCL job stream restart functionality. If a data set already exists, the job fails.

  • MOD: Any data set that is identified as new is re-identified as modified, which enables you to append new data to the current data set.

This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Advanced Restart Parameters

Defines the advanced restart parameters to add to the rerun JCL job stream.

To add a restart parameter that resets any step that ended abnormally in a previous run to RC=0, and that maintains the same condition code from the previous run, write the following script:

This parameter is relevant only when Restart on Rerun is checked.

Restart with Modified JCL

Determines whether to rerun the JCL job stream with the modified JCL job stream file, as follows:

  • No

  • Yes

Modified JCL Path and Filename

Defines the full path and filename of the modified JCL job stream file.