Enterprise Resource Planning Jobs
The following topics describe job types for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems:
Control-M for PeopleSoft is an Oracle-based application that enables you to develop, test, and run large-data batch processes. It also enables you to execute common human resources tasks, such as approving promotions, viewing pay slips, or editing employee information.
To deploy and run PeopleSoft, ensure that you have done the following:
Installed the Application Pack, which includes the Control-M for AWS plug-in.
Created a connection profile, as described in ConnectionProfile:PeopleSoft.
The following example shows how to define a PeopleSoft job:
"Type": "Job:PeopleSoft",
"ConnectionProfile": "PS_CONNECT",
"User": "PS_User3",
"ControlId": "ControlId",
"ServerName": "ServerName",
"ProcessType": "ProcessType",
"ProcessName": "ProcessName",
"AppendToOutput": false,
"BindVariables": ["value1","value2"],
"RunAs": "controlm"
The following table describes the PeopleSoft job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the name of the ConnectionProfile:PeopleSoft to use for the connection. |
User |
Defines a PeopleSoft user ID that exists in the PeopleSoft Environment. |
ControlId |
Defines the run Control ID for access to run controls at runtime. |
ServerName |
Defines the name of the server on which to run the PeopleSoft job or process. |
ProcessType |
Defines a PeopleSoft process type that the user is authorized to perform. |
ProcessName |
Defines the name of the PeopleSoft process to run. |
AppendToOutput |
Determines whether to include PeopleSoft job output in the Control-M job output. Valid Values:
Default: false |
BindVariables |
Defines values of up to 20 USERDEF variables for sharing data between Control-M and the PeopleSoft job or process. |
SAP-type jobs enable you to manage SAP processes through the Control-M environment. To manage SAP-type jobs, you must have the Control-M for SAP plug-in installed in your Control-M environment.
The following JSON objects are available for creating SAP-type jobs:
Job:SAP:R3:CREATE: Creates a new SAP R3 job.
Job:SAP:R3:COPY: Creates an SAP R3 job by copying an existing job.
Job:SAP:BW:ProcessChain: Defines a job to run and monitor a Process Chain in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).
Job:SAP:BW:InfoPackage: Defines a job to run and monitor SAP InfoPackage that is predefined in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).
This job type enables you to create a new SAP R3 job.
The following examples show how to define a SAP R3 job.
This JSON defines a regular SAP R3 job:
"Type": "Job:SAP:R3:CREATE",
"ConnectionProfile": "SAPCP",
"SapJobName": "SAP_job",
"CreatedBy": "user1",
"Steps": [
"StepType": "ExternalCommand",
"UserName": "user01",
"TargetHost": "host01",
"ProgramName": "PING"
} ],
"ReciptNoForwarding": false
} -
This JSON defines a more complex job that contains two steps that run ABAP programs. Each of the ABAP steps has an associated variant that contains variable definitions:
"Type": "Job:SAP:R3:CREATE",
"ConnectionProfile": "SAPCP",
"SapJobName": "SAP_job2",
"StartCondition": "Immediate",
"RerunFromStep": "3",
"Target": "controlmserver",
"CreatedBy": "user1",
"Steps": [
"StepType": "ABAP",
"TimeToPrint": "PrintLater",
"CoverPrintPage": true,
"OutputDevice": "prt",
"UserName": "user",
"SpoolAuthorization": "Auth",
"CoverDepartment": "dpt",
"SpoolListName": "spoolname",
"OutputNumberRows": "62",
"NumberOfCopies": "5",
"NewSpoolRequest": false,
"PrintArchiveMode": "PrintAndArchive",
"CoverPage": "Print",
"ArchiveObjectType": "objtype",
"SpoolListTitles": "titles",
"OutputLayout": "layout",
"CoverSheet": "Print",
"ProgramName": "ABAP_PROGRAM",
"Language": "e",
"ArchiveInformationField": "inf",
"DeleteAfterPrint": true,
"PrintExpiration": "3",
"OutputNumberColumns": "88",
"ArchiveDocumentType": "doctype",
"CoverRecipient": "recipient",
"VariantName": "NameOfVariant",
"VariantParameters": [
"Type": "Range",
"High": "2",
"Sign": "I",
"Option": "BT",
"Low": "1",
"Name": "var1",
"Modify": false
"Low": "5",
"Type": "Range",
"Option": "BT",
"Sign": "I",
"Modify": true,
"High": "6",
"Name": "var3"
} ]
"StepType": "ABAP",
"PrintArchiveMode": "Print",
"ProgramName": "ABAP_PROGRAM2",
"VariantName": "Myvar_with_temp",
"TemporaryVariantParameters": [
"Type": "Simple",
"Name": "var",
"Value": "P11"
"Type": "Simple",
"Name": "var2",
"Value": "P11"
} ]
} ],
"JobLog": "CopyToFile",
"JobCompletionStatusWillDependOnApplicationStatus": true,
"SpoolSaveToPDF": true,
"JobLogFile": "fileToCopy.txt"
"ReciptNoForwarding": false
The following table describes the SAP R3 job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:SAP name that connects Control-M to SAP. |
SapJobName |
Defines the name of the SAP job to be monitored or submitted. |
Exec |
Determines the type of execution target where the SAP job will run. Valid Targets:
Default: The SAP application servers. |
Target |
Defines the name of the SAP application server or SAP group (depending on the value specified in the previous parameter). |
JobClass |
Determines the Job submission priority in SAP. Valid Values:
StartCondition |
Determines when the job should run. Valid Values:
AfterEvent |
Defines the name of the SAP event that the job waits for (if you set StartCondition to AfterEvent). |
AfterEventParameters |
Defines parameters in the SAP event to watch for. Use space characters to separate multiple parameters. |
RerunFromPointOfFailure |
Determines whether to rerun the SAP R/3 job from its point of failure. Valid Values:
Default: false If RerunFromPointOfFailure is set to false, use the CopyFromStep parameter to set a specific step from which to rerun. |
CopyFromStep |
Determines the number of a specific step in the SAP R/3 job from which to rerun. Default: step 1 (that is, the beginning of the job). If RerunFromPointOfFailure is set to true, the CopyFromStep parameter is ignored. |
Steps |
Defines an object that groups together the definitions of SAP R/3 job steps. |
StepType |
Determines the type of program to execute in this step. Valid Values:
Default: ABAP |
ProgramName |
Defines the name of the program or command. |
UserName |
Defines the authorized owner of the step. |
Description |
Defines a textual description or comment for the step. |
Defines further parameters for each individual step depending on the type of program that is executed in the step. These parameters are listed in separate tables: |
PostJobAction |
This object groups together several parameters that control post-job actions for the SAP R/3 job. |
Spool |
Defines how to manage spool output. Valid Values:
Default: DoNotCopy |
SpoolFile |
Defines the file to which to copy the job's spool output (if Spool is set to CopyToFile). |
SpoolSaveToPDF |
Determines whether to save the job's spool output in PDF format (if Spool is set to CopyToFile). |
JobLog |
Defines how to manage job log output. Valid Values:
Default: CopyToOutput |
JobLogFile |
Defines the file to which to copy the job's log output (if JobLog is set to CopyToFile). |
JobCompletionStatusWillDependOnApplicationStatus |
Determines whether the job completion status depends on SAP application status. Valid Values:
Default: false |
DetectSpawnedJob |
This object groups together several parameters that you specify if you want to detect and monitor jobs that are spawned by the current SAP job. |
DetectAndCreate |
Determines how to define the properties of detected spawned jobs:
Default: CurrentJobDefinition |
JobName |
Defines the name of an SAP-type job to use for setting properties in spawned jobs of the current job (if DetectAndCreate is set to SpecificJobDefinition). The specified job must exist in the same folder as the current job, and the connection profile should be the same. BMC recommends that it should have the same Application and Sub Application values. |
StartSpawnedJob |
Determines whether to start spawned jobs that have a status of Scheduled. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap |
Determines whether to allow the job to end in Control-M only after all child jobs complete in the SAP environment. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobCompletionStatusDependsOnChildJobsStatus |
Determines whether Control-M should wait for all child jobs to complete. Valid Values:
Default: false When set to true, the parent job does not end OK if any child job fails. This parameter is relevant only if JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap is set to true. |
SpoolListRecipient |
This object groups together several parameters that define recipients of Print jobs. |
RecipientType |
Defines the type of recipient of the print job, one of the following:
RecipientName |
Defines the recipient of the print job (of the type defined by the previous parameter). |
RecipientCopy |
Determines whether this recipient is a copied (CC) recipient. Valid Values:
Default: false |
RecipientBlindCopy |
Determines whether this recipient is a blind copied (BCC) recipient. Valid Values:
Default: false |
RecipientExpress |
(CC or BCC Recipient): Determines whether to send in express mode. Valid Values:
Default: false |
ReciptNoForwarding |
(CC or BCC Recipient): Determines whether to set the recipient to No Forwarding. Valid Values:
Default: false |
The following additional parameters are available for steps that involve the execution of an ABAP program. Most of these parameters are optional.
Parameter |
Description |
Language |
Determines the SAP internal one-character language code for the ABAP step. For example, German is D and Serbian (using the Latin alphabet) is d. For the full list of available language codes, see SAP Knowledge Base Article 2633548. |
VariantName |
Defines the name of a variant for the specified ABAP program or Archiving Object. |
VariantDescription |
Defines a textual description or comment for the variant. |
VariantParameters |
This object groups together the variables defined in the variant. For each variable, you can set the following parameters: Valid Parameters:
Default: true
Default: Simple
TemporaryVariantParameters |
This object groups together the variables defined in a temporary variant. For each variable, you can set the same parameters listed above, except for Modify (which is not supported by a temporary variant). |
OutputDevice |
Defines the logical name of the designated printer. |
NumberOfCopies |
Determines the number of copies to be printed. Default: 1 |
PrintArchiveMode |
Determines whether the spool of the step is printed to an output device, to the archive, or both. Valid Values:
Default: Print |
TimeToPrint |
Determines when to print the job output. Available Options:
Default: SendToSAPSpooler |
PrintExpiration |
Defines the number of days until a print job expires. Valid Values: (single-digit numbers, days):
Default: 8 |
NewSpoolRequest |
Determines whether to request a new spool. Valid Values:
DeleteAfterPrint |
Determines whether to delete the report after printing. Valid Values:
OutputLayout |
Print layout format. |
OutputNumberRows |
(Mandatory) Defines the maximum number of rows per page. Valid Values:
Default: -1 |
OutputNumberColumns |
(Mandatory) Defines the maximum number of characters in an output line. Valid Values:
Default: -1 |
CoverRecipient |
Defines the name of the recipient of the job output on the cover sheet. Valid Values: 1–12 characters. |
CoverDepartment |
Defines the name of the spool department on the cover sheet. Valid Values: 1–12 characters. |
CoverPage |
Defines the type of cover page for output. Valid Values:
Default: Use the default setting from SAP. |
CoverSheet |
Determines the type of cover sheet for output. Valid Values:
Default: Use the default setting from SAP. |
CoverPrintPage |
Determines whether to use a cover page. Valid Values:
SpoolListName |
Defines the name of the spool list. Valid Values: 1–12 characters. |
SpoolListTitles |
The spool list titles. |
SpoolAuthorization |
Defines the name of a user with print authorization. Valid Values: 1–12 characters. |
ArchiveId |
Defines the SAP ArchiveLink Storage system ID. Valid Values: 2 characters. Default: ZZ Archive parameters are relevant only when you set PrintArchiveMode to Archive or PrintAndArchive. |
ArchiveText |
Defines the free text description of the archive location. Valid Values: 1–40 characters. |
ArchiveObjectType |
Defines the Archive object type. Valid Values: 1–10 characters. |
ArchiveDocumentType |
Defines the Archive object document type. Valid Values: 1–10 characters. |
ArchiveInformationField |
Defines the Archive information. Valid Values: 1–3 characters. |
The following additional parameters are available for steps that involve the execution of an external program or an external command:
Parameter |
Description |
TargetHost |
Defines the host computer where the program or command runs. |
OperatingSystem |
Defines the Operating system on which the external command runs. Default: ANYOS |
WaitExternalTermination |
Determines whether SAP waits for the external program or external command to end before starting the next step, or before exiting. Valid Values:
Default: true |
LogExternalOutput |
Determines whether SAP logs external output in the joblog. Valid Values:
Default: true |
LogExternalErrors |
Determines whether SAP logs external errors in the joblog. Valid Values:
Default: true |
ActiveTrace |
Determines whether SAP activates traces for the external program or external command. Valid Values:
Default: false |
This job type enables you to create a new SAP R3 job by duplicating an existing job.
The following example shows how to define a SAP R3 Copy job:
"JobSapR3Copy" :
"Type" : "Job:SAP:R3:COPY",
"SapJobName" : "CHILD_1",
"Exec": "Server",
"Target" : "Server-name",
"JobCount" : "SpecificJob",
"JobCountSpecificName" : "sap-job-1234",
"NewJobName" : "My-New-Sap-Job",
"StartCondition" : "AfterEvent",
"AfterEvent" : "HOLA",
"AfterEventParameters" : "parm1 parm2",
"RerunFromPointOfFailure": true,
"CopyFromStep" : "4",
"PostJobAction" :
"Spool" : "CopyToFile",
"SpoolFile": "spoolfile.log",
"SpoolSaveToPDF" : true,
"JobLog" : "CopyToFile",
"JobLogFile": "Log.txt",
"JobCompletionStatusWillDependOnApplicationStatus" : true
"DetectSpawnedJob" :
"DetectAndCreate": "SpecificJobDefinition",
"JobName" : "Specific-Job-123",
"StartSpawnedJob" : true,
"JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap" : true,
"JobCompletionStatusDependsOnChildJobsStatus" : true
The following table describes the SAP R3 Copy job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:SAP name that connects Control-M to SAP. |
SapJobName |
Defines the name of SAP job to copy. |
Exec |
Determines the type of execution target where the SAP job will run: Valid Values:
Target |
Defines the name of the SAP application server or SAP group (depending on the value specified in the previous parameter). |
JobCount |
Determines how to define a unique ID number for the SAP job: Valid Values:
Default: FirstScheduled If you specify SpecificJob, you must provide the next parameter. |
JobCountSpecificName |
Defines the unique SAP job ID number for a specific job (that is, for when JobCount is set to SpecificJob) |
NewJobName |
Defines the name of the newly created job. |
StartCondition |
Specifies when the job should run: Valid Values:
AfterEvent |
Defines the name of the SAP event that the job waits for (if you set StartCondition to AfterEvent). |
AfterEventParameters |
Defines parameters in the SAP event to watch for. Use space characters to separate multiple parameters. |
RerunFromPointOfFailure |
Determines whether to rerun the SAP R/3 job from its point of failure. Valid Values:
Default: false If RerunFromPointOfFailure is set to false, use the CopyFromStep parameter to set a specific step from which to rerun. |
CopyFromStep |
Determines the number of a specific step in the SAP R/3 job from which to rerun or copy. Default: Step 1 (that is, the beginning of the job). If RerunFromPointOfFailure is set to true, the CopyFromStep parameter is ignored. |
PostJobAction |
This object groups together several parameters that control post-job actions for the SAP R/3 job. |
Spool |
Determines how to manage the spool output. Valid Values:
Default: DoNotCopy |
SpoolFile |
Defines the file to which to copy the job's spool output (if Spool is set to CopyToFile). |
SpoolSaveToPDF |
Determines whether to save the job's spool output in PDF format (if Spool is set to CopyToFile). |
JobLog |
Determines how to manage job log output. Valid Values:
Default: CopyToOutput |
JobLogFile |
Defines the file to which to copy the job's log output (if JobLog is set to CopyToFile). |
JobCompletionStatusWillDependOnApplicationStatus |
Determines whether job completion status depends on SAP application status. Valid Values:
Default: false |
DetectSpawnedJob |
This object groups together several parameters that you specify if you want to detect and monitor jobs that are spawned by the current SAP job. |
DetectAndCreate |
Determines how to define the properties of detected spawned jobs:
Default:CurrentJobDefinition |
JobName |
Defines the name of an SAP––type job to use for setting properties in spawned jobs of the current job (if DetectAndCreate is set to SpecificJobDefinition). The specified job must exist in the same folder as the current job, and the connection profile should be the same. BMC recommends that it should have the same Application and Sub Application values. |
StartSpawnedJob |
Defines whether to start spawned jobs that have a status of Scheduled. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap |
Determines whether to allow the job to end in Control-M only after all child jobs complete in the SAP environment. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobCompletionStatusDependsOnChildJobsStatus |
Determines whether Control-M should wait for all child jobs to complete. Valid Values:
Default: false When set to true, the parent job does not end OK if any child job fails. This parameter is relevant only if JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap is set to true. |
This job type runs and monitors a Process Chain in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).
For the job that you define through Control-M Automation API to work properly, ensure that the Process Chain defined in the SAP BW system has Start Using Meta Chain or API as the start condition for the trigger process (Start Process) of the Process Chain. To configure this parameter, from the SAP transaction RSPC, right-click the trigger process and select Maintain Variant.
The following example shows how to define a Process Chain job:
"Type": "Job:SAP:BW:ProcessChain",
"ConnectionProfile": "PI4-BW",
"ProcessChainDescription": "SAP BW Process Chain",
"Id": "123456",
"RerunOption": "RestartFromFailiurePoint",
"EnablePeridoicJob": true,
"ConsiderOnlyOverallChainStatus": true,
"RetrieveLog": false,
"DetectAndCreate": "SpecificJobDefinition",
"JobName": "ChildJob",
"StartSpawnedJob": false,
"JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap": false,
"JobCompletionStatusDependsOnChildJobsStatus": false
The following table describes the Process Chain job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the name of the ConnectionProfile:SAP to use for the connection. |
ProcessChainDescription |
Defines the description of the Process Chain that you want to run and monitor, as defined in SAP BW. Maximum Length of the Textual Description: 60 characters. |
Id |
ID of the Process Chain that you want to run and monitor. |
RerunOption |
Determines the rerun policy to apply to the job after job failure: Valid Values:
EnablePeridoicJob |
Determines whether the first run of the Process Chain prepares for the next run and is useful for reruns when big Process Chains are scheduled. Valid Values:
Default: true |
ConsiderOnlyOverallChainStatus |
Determines whether to view only the status of the overall Process Chain. Valid Values:
Default: false |
RetrieveLog |
Determines whether to add the Process Chain logs to the job output. Valid Values:
Default: true |
DetectSpawnedJob |
This object groups together several parameters that you specify if you want to detect and monitor jobs that are spawned by the current SAP job. |
DetectAndCreate |
Determines how to define the properties of detected spawned jobs: Valid Values:
Default: CurrentJobDefinition |
JobName |
Name of an SAP-type job to use for setting properties in spawned jobs of the current job (if DetectAndCreate is set to SpecificJobDefinition). The specified job must exist in the same folder as the current job, and the connection profile should be the same. BMC recommends that it should have the same Application and Sub Application values. |
StartSpawnedJob |
Determines whether to start spawned jobs that have a status of Scheduled. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap |
Determines whether to allow the job to end in Control-M only after all child jobs complete in the SAP environment. Valid Values:
Default: false |
JobCompletionStatusDependsOnChildJobsStatus |
Determines whether Control-M should wait for all child jobs to complete. When set to true, the parent job does not end OK if any child job fails. This parameter is relevant only if JobEndInControlMOnlyAftreChildJobsCompleteOnSap is set to true. Valid Values:
Default: false |
This job type runs and monitors an Info Package that is pre-defined in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).
The following example shows how to define a Info Package job:
"Type": "Job:SAP:BW:InfoPackage",
"ConnectionProfile": "PI4-BW",
"CreatedBy": "emuser1",
"Description": "description of the job",
"RunAs": "ProductionUser",
"BackgroundJobName": "Background job name",
"Description": "description of the InfoPackage",
"TechName": "LGXT565_TGHBNS453BGHJ784"
The following table describes the Info Package job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:SAP name that connects Control-M to SAP. Valid Values: 1–30 characters. |
InfoPackage |
Defines the object that groups together the parameters that describe the InfoPackage. |
BackgroundJobName |
Defines the InfoPackage background job name. Valid Values: 1–25 characters. |
Description |
(Optional) Describes the InfoPackage. |
TechName |
Defines a unique SAP BW generated InfoPackage ID. |