z/OS Job

z/OS jobs are used to execute a task on a z/OS system.

To create a z/OS job, see Creating a Job.

The following table describes the attributes for a z/OS job type.



Job Type

Defines the type of job that determines which fields are exposed in a job definition. The value of the job type is based on the platform for the job execution. Jobs defined as Dummy provide instructions for Control-M such as post-processing actions.

Value: z/OS

Job Name

Defines the name of the job processing definition.


  • Characters: 1–8

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters:

    • ' (Apostrophes)

    • Cannot begin with the numbers 09.

  • Valid Characters: The letters AZ, the numbers 09, @, #, and $.


Defines a description of the job in free text.


  • Characters: 1–4000
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Run as dummy

Enables you to execute jobs using a dummy job, and not as a Dummy job type.


Defines one or more attributes which determines what the job executes, as follows:

  • Member: The job executes a JCL saved in the Member located in the Member Library.
  • Embedded JCL: The job executes an embedded JCL saved in the Folder Library.

Member Library

Defines the location of the Member that contains the JCL, started task procedure, or warning message.


  • Characters: 1–44

  • Built of Qualifiers:

    • 1–8 characters in length separated by a . (period).

    • Minimum of 1 character.

  • Invalid Characters:

    • Non-English characters.

    • Cannot begin with a . (period) or the numbers 09.

  • Valid Characters: The letters AZ, the numbers 09, @ (ampersand), # (hashtag), and $ (the dollar sign).


Defines the name of a member that contains one of the following in relation to the job to be executed:

  • JCL of the job
  • Started task procedure
  • Warning message

Click to the right of the field for a list of members that the specified Run as User is authorized to run in the specified library.


  • Characters: 1–8
  • Invalid Characters:
    • Non-English characters.

    • Cannot begin with the numbers 09.

  • Valid Characters: The letters AZ, the numbers 09, @ (ampersand), # (hashtag), and $ (the dollar sign).

Embedded JCL

Defines a script exactly as it would be specified in a terminal for the specific computer and is part of the job definition.

Rule: 64000 B


Defines the name of the Control-M for z/OS that processes the job.

Run as

Defines the user name with the authorization to execute the job. This attribute is used by the Control-M security mechanism.

Rules: 1–8 characters.

Override Path

Defines a temporarily-modified job script file without changing the original script file in the File Path/Member library and without changing the scheduling order of a folder.


  • Characters: 1–44
  • Built of Qualifiers: 1–8 characters in length separated by . (minimum of 1 character, and cannot begin with a digit character).
  • Invalid Characters:
    • Non-English characters
    • Cannot begin with a . (period).
    • Cannot begin with the following strings:
      • GENERAL

      • USER=

  • Valid Characters: The letters AZ, the numbers 09, @ (ampersand), # (hashtag), and $ (the dollar sign).

Pre-Execution Sleep

Determines the number of minutes or seconds to wait before a job executes. The job must meet all the prerequisite criteria and be eligible for execution before the wait time starts.

Rules: 0–9999

Default: 0

If you export the workspace, the attribute functions as the variable %%CTM_PRE_SUB_WAIT, with a value of up to four digits followed by M (minutes) or S (seconds).

If you define this attribute with a value of 655 seconds, the XML output appears as %%CTM_PRE_SUB_WAIT=655S.

This attribute is supported in Control-M/Server version 9.0.21 or higher.

Run as started task

Specifies that the job is invoked with the operator START command.


Defines a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This attribute is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of related job groups. The jobs do not necessarily have to execute at the same time.


Invalid Characters: ' Apostrophes and blank spaces.

Sub Application

Defines the name of the Sub Application where the job belongs logically. It is a sub-category of the Application attributes, such as, Application = Finances, and Sub Application = Payroll.


  • Characters: 1–64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: ' Apostrophes and blank spaces.

Scheduling Environment

Defines the JES2 workload management scheduling environment that is to be associated with the job.


  • Characters: 1–16

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: ' Non-English characters and blank spaces.

System Affinity

Defines the identity of the system in which the job must be initiated and executed (in JES2).


  • Characters: 1–5
  • Characters can be proceeded by a / (forward slash), which indicates that the identity is NOT in JES3.
  • Invalid Characters: Non-English characters.

Request NJE Node

Defines the node in the JES network where the job executes.


  • Characters: 1–8

  • Invalid Characters: ' Apostrophes, blank spaces, $ (dollar signs), / (forward slashes), * (asterisks), and ? (question marks).

Prevent NCT2

Performs data set cleanup before the original job execution.

Control-D Category

Defines the name of the Control-D Report Decollating Mission Category. If specified, the report decollating mission is scheduled whenever the job is scheduled under Control-M.


  • Characters: 1–20

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.


All variables are identified by the %% prefix. If %% is included in the value for a job processing attribute, Control‑M assumes that it is referring to a variable or function.


  • Name: 1–66 characters.
  • Value: 1–66 characters.


Defines a description related to the job, and is saved in a defined location. The location where the document is saved depends on whether the type is File or URL. For a file, the description is located in a file located in a file path. For a URL, the Documentation is located in a URL address.

z/OS: Documentation is saved in a Doc Member located in a Doc Library.

Doc Library

Defines the name of the library where the Documentation (description) is saved.


  • Characters: 1–44
  • Invalid Characters: Non-English characters
  • UNIX: You can use one of the following symbols in place of or as part of the directory or subdirectory name:

    • $HOME: Refers to the home directory of the job owner.

    • ~<username> Refers to the home directory of a specific UNIX user.

  • IBM i (AS/400): Use one of the following:

    • Name of an IBM i (AS/400) library.

    • Library and File.

    • *LIBL: Refers to the library list.

    • *CURLIB: Refers to the current library.

Doc Member

Defines the name of the member where the job Documentation (description) is saved.

Click to the right of the field for a list of doc members that the specified Run as User is authorized to run in the specified doc library.


  • Characters: 1–8
  • Invalid Characters: Non-English characters.

IBM i (AS/400): Indicates the name of the member in the Doc Library or Doc Path file. This attribute is optional even if a value is supplied for Doc Library. If you specify a library and file name but no value for Doc Member, the *FILE default member name is used.


Determines the order of job processing.

Use an * (asterisk) to mark the job as Critical.

Emergency Job

Determines whether the z/OS job is an Emergency Job.