
The Control-M/EM check_config utility checks key product size properties and settings and notifies you whether they are set to valid values (above the recommended minimum value) that are suitable for the size of your production environment. The utility also enables you to adjust values to comply with the recommendations, as well as revert your changes.

Running the check_config Utility

This procedure describes how to run the check_config utility, which checks and adjusts product size configuration.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • Linux: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed.

  2. Type one of the following commands in a command line:

    • Linux: em [<utility parameters>]

    • Windows: check_config.bat [<utility parameters>]

    For descriptions of the parameters that you can include in the command, see check_config Parameters.

A report is generated, with details of the various checks and whether each check passed or failed. For each parameter in these checks, the detected current value is compared to the minimum expected value.

check_config Parameters

The following table describes the check_config command parameters:



-a <action>

Defines one of the following actions to perform:

  • Check: Checks for problems in product size configuration.

  • Fix: Adjusts problematic values of properties and settings.

  • Revert: Reverts the last fix that was performed.

Default: Check


Disables the prompt for user confirmation during Fix and Revert actions.

Default: Not disabled

-p <product>

Determines one of the following product components for the action:

  • CTMS: Control-M/Server

  • EM: Control-M/EM

Default: Automatically detected

-s <size>

Determines one of the following sizes for the production environment:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Default: Automatically detected

-st <status>

Determines the statuses of checked settings to include in the generated report:

  • All: All checked properties and settings, whether or not they passed the checks.

  • True: Properties and settings that passed the checks.

  • False: Properties and settings that failed the checks.

Default: False

-l <debug level>

Determines one of the following debug levels for the configuration check:


  • INFO




Default: INFO


Displays the check_config usage