Zone 2 and 3 SSL Configuration
Zone 2 allows you to configure SSL between Control-M/EM server and Control-M/Server. Zone 3 allows you to configure SSL between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.
After SSL is configured on the Control-M/Server, Control-M/EM and all Control-M/Agents that are connected to this Control-M/Server must also be configured with SSL. Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server and all Control-M/Agents must use certificates that are signed by the same root Certificate Authority.
The following procedures describe how to configure SSL in zone 2 and 3 using the supported protocol TLS1.2:
Modifying SSL Configuration between Control-M/Agent and Agentless Hosts
Verifying Certificates Authentication Levels in Zone 2 and 3
Generating a Signed Certificate
This procedure describes how to generate the signed certificate for your Control-M component.
BMC recommends you bring your own certificate. For POC or demo purposes, you can use the default demo certificate provided with the installation.
You do not need to perform this procedure if you are using the default .p12 provided with the installation. The default keystores are located under the default security policy directory of each component, as described in Security Policies.
You do not need to perform this procedure if you generated generate certificates signed by BMC using ManageSSL, as described in Generating Self-Signed Certificates.
You must perform this procedure for each component.
Navigate to one of the following directories:
UNIX: <Product Home Directory>/data/SSL/config directory
Windows: <Product Home Directory>\Data\SSL\config directory
In the csr_params.cfg file, in the [dn] section, change the value of the following fields to the required values:
C = example_country
ST = example_state
L = example_locality
O = example_organization
OU = example_unit
CN = (the Control-M component fully qualified domain name—FQDN).
emailAddress = [email protected]
The first run of ctmkeytool -create_csr automatically updates the csr_params.cfg file with the necessary requirements to support HTTPS connections.
The csr_params.cfg file is a standard openssl configuration file. If you have any other requirements from the certificate, you can include them in this file.
Create the private key and certificate signing request file by running the following:
Control-M/EM: <EM Home>/bin/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -create_csr -password <private key password>
Control-M/Server: <Server Home>/scripts/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -create_csr -password <private key password>
Control-M/Agent: <Agent Home>/exe/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -create_csr -password <private key password>
(UNIX only) If you are running this script on Control-M/EM, ensure that you run this script using the Control-M/EM shell, such as em tcsh. For more information, see ctmkeytool.
You can generate the private key using an elliptic curve algorithm. The provider_options attribute in the component security policy must be updated to include only ciphers that use an elliptic curve algorithm for server certificate authentication. For more information, see Create CSR Option.
Use the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file to obtain the certificate file and the certificate chain file with a .pem extension, from a recognized CA. PEM format specify that these certificates are ASCII encoded X.509 certificates.
Common suffixes for PEM files are .pem, .crt, .cer, .or ca-bundle.
Generating the .p12 Keystore
This procedure describes how to generate the .p12 certificate keystore.
BMC recommends you bring your own certificate, For POC or demo purposes, you can use the default demo certificate provided with the installation.
You must perform this procedure for each component.
Create the .p12 keystore file by running the following command:
<EM Home>/bin/openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate pem file name> -inkey <private key file name> -export -passout pass:<new keystore password> -passin pass:<private key password> -CAfile <certificate chain pem file name|certificate authority pem file name> [-chain] -out <keystore p12 name> -keypbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC -certpbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC
If the CA is trusted using a certificate chain, then the -chain flag must be specified, and the -CAfile flag must point to the certificate chain .pem file. Otherwise, the -chain flag must not be specified, and the -CAfile flag must point to the root certificate authority .pem file name.
If you are running this command on Control-M/EM, note the following:
(UNIX only) Ensure that you run this command using the Control-M/EM shell, such as em tcsh.
If you used 3DES algorithm for the encryption of the private key password, or SHA-1 algorithm was used as the digest algorithm for the certificate, you must add -legacy at the end of this command.
If you run this command on Control-M/Server or Control-M/Agent with Java 11, you must add the following at the end of the command:
-keypbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC -certpbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC
Configuring SSL in Zone 2 and 3
This procedure describes how to configure SSL on Control-M/Server, Control-M/EM server, and Control-M/Agents.
BMC recommends you bring your own certificate, For POC or demo purposes, you can use the default demo certificate provided with the installation.
You do not need to perform this procedure if you are using the default .p12 provided with the installation. The default keystores are located under the default security policy directory of each component, as described in Security Policies.
You do not need to perform this procedure if you generated generate certificates signed by BMC using ManageSSL, as described in Generating Self-Signed Certificates.
You must perform this procedure for each component.
Before You Begin
If you did not receive a private key, signed certificate, root CA certificate and chain in PEM format or the .p12 keystore from your Security Administrator, you need generate it, as described in Generating a Signed Certificate .
Verify that the certificates have the required authentication level, as described in Verifying Certificates Authentication Levels in Zone 2 and 3.
To use your keystore for HTTPS traffic for the API-GTW, verify the following by running the ctmkeytool.
It contains a SubjectAlternativeName with a value that fit the hostname of the component.
It contains an Entry type of the trustedCertEntry type.
Deploy SSL configuration on each component:
Control-M/EM: <EM Home>/bin/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -keystore <p12 keystore file with its full path> -password <keystore password> -passwkey <name of file containing the password encryption key, with its full path>
Control-M/Server: <Server Home>/scripts/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -keystore <p12 keystore file with its full path> -password <keystore password> -passwkey <name of file containing the password encryption key, with its full path>
Control-M/Agent: <Agent Home>/exe/ctmkeytool/ctmkeytool -keystore <p12 keystore file with its full path> -password <keystore password> -passwkey <name of file containing the password encryption key, with its full path>
(UNIX only) If you are running this script on Control-M/EM, ensure that you run this script using the Control-M/EM shell, such as em tcsh.
For more information, see ctmkeytool.
The file that uses the -passwkey parameter is an encryption key, which is used to encrypt the keystore password in the environment’s SSL configuration. Both binary and textual files can be used for this purpose. Control-M/Agent does not parse the -passwkey parameter. Agent use its own Local.key. To change it, use the ctmagcpk utility.
It is possible to use the ess_key.txt file in the following locations:
UNIX: /<EM_HOME>/etc/site/resource/ssl/cert/ess_key.txt
Windows: <EM_HOME>\etc\resource\ssl\cert\ess_key.txt
Control-M/Server: <CTM Home Directory>/data/SSL/cert/ess_key.txt
Update the supported protocols and ciphers in your environment, as described in Configuring Protocols and Ciphers for Zones 2 and 3.
Enabling SSL in Zone 2 and 3
This procedure describes how to enable SSL in zone 2 and 3.
Enable SSL on Control-M/Server by doing the following:
Run the ctmsys utility.
Press 2 - System Parameters.
Press n to move to the next page of parameters.
Set option 9 Secure Sockets Layer to ENABLED.
By default, all connected Control-M/Agents are now configured with SSL.
If you want to enable SSL in a Control-M Unified View environment, run the following command:
ctm_unified_view_update -sync_ssl
Restart the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent and the Control-M/Server component.
Enable SSL on each Control-M/Agent by doing the following:
Restart the Control-M/Agent if you deployed a new certificate.
From the CCM, right-click the required Control-M/Agent and select Properties and then click the Communication.
From the Secure Socket Layer drop-down list, select Default.
This inherits the value from the Control-M/Server configuration.
Click Test.
After the test has validated the settings, click OK.
Enable SSL on the CMS and Gateway components by doing the following:
From the CCM, change the value of the CmsCommMode system parameter to AUTO or to SSL, as described in SSL Communication Parameters.
Recycle the CMS.
Recycle the Gateway(s) that are connected to the Control-M/Servers where SSL is configured.
Recycle the EM-CTM Request Service and EM-MFT Updates Service components.
Enabling SSL on Specific Control-M/Agents
This procedure describes how to enable SSL on specific Control-M/Agents when Control-M/Server is not enabled with SSL.
In these Control-M/Agents, you must deploy SSL configuration using a certificate signed by the same root CA as Control-M/Server, as described in Configuring SSL in Zone 2 and 3.
From the CCM, right-click the required Control-M/Agent and select Properties and then click the Communication.
From the Secure Socket Layer drop-down list, select Default.
Click Test.
After the test has validated the settings, click OK.
Configuring Protocols and Ciphers for Zones 2 and 3
This procedure describes how to configure SSL connections for zones 2 and 3 to work with the TLSv1.2 protocol and ciphers.
For each SSL connection, the same protocols and ciphers must be configured on both components that acts as the client and server for the connection.
To use more than one cipher, use a space to separate them.
For each connection, run the following command on both the client and server computers:
<EM Home>/bin/openssl ciphers -V TLSv1.2
The ciphers that appear on both computers can be used for the connection.
Do one of the following:
UNIX: Edit the relevant policy file, as described UNIX Environment.
Windows: Edit the relevant registry hive, as described in Windows Environment.
Edit the provider_options field, as follows:
provider_options=SSLProtocol=TLS1_2,TLSCipherSuite= <List of ciphers>
The names of the ciphers are exactly as they appear in the available cipher list above.
Verify in Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent that the opensslciphers2java.txt file includes the cipher name with the mapping of openssl to java ciphers names by running the following command:
Control-M/Server: <Server Home>/exe/openssl ciphers -stdname | grep <cipher name>
Control-M/Agent: <Agent Home>/exe/openssl
Restart the relevant component.
provider_options=SSLProtocol=TLS1_2,TLSCipherSuite=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA AES256-SHA DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA
Before defining the client side for the connection between Control-M/Agent and remote hosts, see Modifying SSL Configuration between Control-M/Agent and Agentless Hosts.
Testing SSL on Zones 2 and 3
This procedure describes how to test SSL on zones 2 and 3.
Test the SSL configuration between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server by running the following command on Control-M/EM:
<ctmkeytool location>/ctmkeytool -status -host <Control-M/Server name as displayed in CCM> -keystore_pass <password of the local keystore on EM> -key_pass <password of the private key in the keystore>
(UNIX only) Ensure that you run this script using the Control-M/EM shell, such as em tcsh.
For more information, see ctmkeytool.
Verify that all operations between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server, such as job ordering, are working.
From the CCM, verify that all Control-M/Servers and Control-M/Agents are Up.
Verify that the status of all Gateways that are configured to work with SSL appear as Connected (SSL).
Test the connection between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent by running the following commands:
Disabling SSL on Control-M/EM
This procedure describes how to disable SSL on Control-M/EM in zone 2 and 3.
From the CCM, change the value of the CmsCommMode system parameter to TCP.
Restart the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent, and CMS.
Recycle all Gateways.
Disabling SSL on Control-M/Server
This procedure describes how to disable SSL on the Control-M/Server and the connected Control-M/Agents, using the Control-M/Server ctmsys utility.
From the Control-M/Server computer, run ctmsys.
Select option 2 System Parameters.
Press n to move to the next page of parameters.
Set option 9 Secure Sockets Layer to DISABLE.
This also turns off SSL on all connected Control-M/Agents that were configured with SSL, if the Secure Sockets Layer field was set to Default for the Control-M/Agent in the CCM.
If you want to disable SSL in a Control-M Unified View environment, run the following command:
ctm_unified_view_update -sync_ssl
- Restart the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent and the Control-M/Server component.
Disabling SSL on Control-M/Agents
This procedure describes how to disable SSL on Control-M/Agents that are not connected to a Control-M/Server.
Edit the CONFIG.dat file that is located under <Agent home directory>/ctm/data.
Change the value of COMMOPT to SSL=N.
Save the file and restart the Control-M/Agent.
Modifying SSL Configuration between Control-M/Agent and Agentless Hosts
This procedure describes how to modify the SSL configuration between Control-M/Agent and Agentless Hosts to enable utilities to run on Agentless hosts.
If you are using an expired SSL certificate on the Agent, any jobs that run utilities on an Agentless host fails.
The following message is an example that appears in the job output on failure:
Oct 24, 2018 7:31:37 PM com.bmc.ctm.agent.util.communication.Communicator sendMessage
SEVERE: SSLException occurred while sending message to <hostname>.
Oct 24, 2018 7:31:37 PM com.bmc.ctm.agent.util.communication.Communicator sendMessage
SEVERE: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints
Oct 24, 2018 7:31:37 PM com.bmc.ctm.agent.util.UtilityExecuter sendMessageToAgentAndReceiveResponse
SEVERE: Failed to send to Agent or receive from Agent.
Result: Failure
Failed to send to Agent or receive from Agent.
Do one of the following:
Windows: Navigate to the following path in the Registry Editor:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BMC Software\Control-M/Agent <instance>\SecurityPolicy\RU\server
UNIX: Navigate to the following file:
<Control-M/Agent Home Directory>/ctm/data/SSL/cert/ru.plc
In the [server] section, edit the provider_options parameter with SSL protocols and ciphers, if needed.
From the RU key, create or edit the client key.
Add or edit the following parameters in the client key:
ssl_protocol: (TLSv1.2)
cipher_suite: You can use the following ciphers:
Verifying Certificates Authentication Levels in Zone 2 and 3
This procedure describes how to verify the authentication level of a certificate and compare it to the security policy in the specific Control-M component in zone 2 and 3.
Each certificate installed on a Control-M component must fit the authentication level required for this component. For more information on authentication level requirements, see Security Levels.
If the Control-M component authentication level and the authentication level supported by the installed certificate is not configured correctly, the SSL connection might fail.
Verify the Zone 2 and 3 authentication level configuration by verifying the security_level property in the security policy as described in Security Policies:
In the certificate attributes, such as Key Usage and Extended Key Usage, check for the following values using openssl:
SSL Client
SSL Server
TLS Web Server Authentication
TLS Web Client Authentication
Check a CSR: openssl req -text -noout -verify -in CSR.csr.
Check a certificate: openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text -noout -purpose.
Check a PKCS#12 file: openssl pkcs12 -info -in keyStore.p12.
If you are running this command on Control-M/EM, note the following:
(UNIX only) Ensure that you run this command using the Control-M/EM shell, such as em tcsh.
If you used 3DES algorithm for the encryption of the private key password, or SHA-1 algorithm was used as the digest algorithm for the certificate, you must add -legacy at the end of this command.
If you run this command on Control-M/Server or Agent with Java 11, you must add the following at the end of the command:
-keypbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC -certpbe pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC