
This utility has been deprecated. It is no longer enhanced and support will be discontinued in version 9.0.22. For more information, see emdef Utility Suite Deprecation.

The exportdeffolder utility exports folders from the Control-M/EM database to a text file.

When the exportdeffolder utility is invoked, a file of arguments that you have created is processed. This arguments file contains statements that specify an existing folder, SMART folders and Sub Folders. The specified folders are exported to an output file. For more information, see exportdeffolder Arguments File.

The exportdeffolder utility validates the XML rule file according to the validation process in Control-M/EM version 9.0.19 and above.

By default, the utility validates the XML file in accordance with the EmdefValidationVersion system parameter in the CCM. You can change the value in the CCM without the need to add the switch to the command, which may be preferable if you have many scripts that use a particular validation version.

For an example of the two validation processes see emdef Validation Service Error Message Example.

Output files created with the exportdeffolder utility can be used as import files with the deffolder utility.

You can export job processing definitions to an output file using exportdeffolder, make modifications to the definitions and save the file, and use the same file as the input file when running deffolder to import the modified folder definitions into Control-M/EM database.

Exporting Folders Using the exportdeffolder Utility

This procedure describes how to export folder definitions in the Control-M/EM database to an output file for use as input to other utilities using the exportdeffolder utility.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

      For Windows client installations, open a command prompt window and navigate to the <EM Instance Name>\bin directory.

  2. Enter one of the following commands:

    • emdef exportdeffolder [-USERNAME <user> [-PASSWORD <password>] | -PASSWORD_FILE <password file>] -HOST <GUI Server Name> -ARG_FILE <args file name> -OUT_FILE <File Name> [-vv 2]

    • emdef exportdeffolder [-u <user> [-p <password>] | -pf <password file>] -s <GUI Server Name> -arg <args file name> -out <File name> [-vv 2]

For more details on the exportdeffolder parameters and options, see emdef General Parameters and emdef Switches.

exportdeffolder Arguments File

Arguments are used as a selection criteria to determine which folders to export. Arguments are written to the exportdeffolder argument file.

The arguments files that you create with the exportdeffolder utility are written in XML format and saved in a text file. The format in which this file must be written is described on the following pages.

When this file is invoked, folder definitions are exported from the Control-M/EM database. For instructions for creating arguments files, see XML File Rules.

The following rules apply to the exportdeffolder arguments file:

  • More than one job can be specified in an exportdeffolder file.

  • The arguments file is case-sensitive.

  • All parameter values (such as strings or digits) must be enclosed in quotation marks


  • More than one PARAM parameter can be used in a TERM statement.

  • The relationship between PARAM parameters in a TERM statement is AND. The relationship between TERM statements is OR.

The exportdeffolder arguments file is checked and processed. If there are any errors in the file, a message is displayed specifying the lines with errors.

The exported folder definitions are saved to an output file, the name and location of which is specified in the outFileName parameter.

exportdeffolder Arguments File Parameters

The following table lists the exportdeffolder arguments file parameters:



The first two lines of the XML request file for this API request contain information that specifies the version of XML, the text encoding format being used, and the location of the .dtd file.


Indicates the start and end of the TERMS file. Only criteria that are located between the tags are considered to be part of the argument.


Indicates the start and the end of a group of selection criteria used to specify a folder or folders that are to be exported. Only PARAM tags that are located between the TERM tags are considered to be part of the TERM argument.

REL: Relationship between terms.

Valid values:

  • AND

  • OR


Defines the selection criteria parameter used to determine those folders that are to be exported. More than one PARAM can be specified. Mandatory.


The parameter name of any folder or SMART folder parameter. These parameters are described in deffolder.

At least one of the following folder parameters must be included in the arguments file: DATACENTER, FOLDER_NAME, FOLDER_DSN

  • OP:Describes the relationship between the NAME and the VALUE parameters of the TERM.

    Valid values:

    • EQ

    • NEQ

    • NOTIN

    • LIKE

  • VALUE: The value of any folder, SMART folder or Sub Folder parameter. These parameters are described in deffolder.

    Multiple values can be specified for VALUE by using the * wildcard character in place of characters at the end of an expression.


Defines the type of cyclic job:

  • Interval

  • IntervalSequence

  • SpecificTimes


Determines the maximum delay in minutes permitted for a late submission when selecting a specific time.

5 minutes


A list of time intervals, separated by commas, up to 4000 characters.



Defines a list of times, separated by commas.



Determines the number of extra days beyond the original scheduling date that the jobs in the SMART folder are allowed to remain in the Active Jobs database awaiting execution.

The value of MAXWAIT in the Rule_Based_Calendar is the value of the MAXWAIT for the jobs that use this Rule_Based_Calendar.


Indicates that all jobs in the folder are not removed automatically from the Active Jobs database. Instead jobs wait for the folder to complete and are removed at the same time as the folder.

Valid values:

  • Y: Yes

  • N: No

    Default: N


Enables you to specify a minimum period to keep the SMART folder and its jobs in the Active Jobs database after the folder is set to NOT OK.

Valid values:

  • 0-98

  • 99: Forever

    Default: 0

exportdeffolder Examples

Following are examples of arguments files used with the exportdeffolder utility:

Export All Folders in the Data1 Data Center


Export with Multiple Selection Criteria

Exported SMART folders that are located in data center Data1 and belong to the GRP_03 SMART folder, or located in data center Data1 and belong to the GRP_04 SMART folder:
