
The ctmsuspend utility suspends all automatic job processing that cause the jobs to be submitted, executed and post processed. In suspend mode the communication to Control-M/Server is not impacted and the user has full ability to manage the jobs through Control-M/EM, Automation API, or any other utility. The suspend mode is design to facilitate the rare occurrences when users need to perform mass uploads and downloads, manage a long maintenance window when Control-M is down, and in emergencies to troubleshoot situations. During suspension mode, Control-M deactivates its job processing functions by suspending Control-M/Server processes.

New Day automatically runs when Control-M ODATE is different from what is specified in the Control-M System Parameters (ctmsys). New Day runs in suspended mode and does not allows users to perform Control-M/EM actions until New Day completes. The New Day procedure must not be interrupted and must be allowed to complete.

Running the ctmsuspend utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmsuspend utility, which enables you to suspend and restore Control-M/Server communication process for mass uploads and downloads from Control‑M/EM.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Type the following command to invoke the ctmsuspend utility:

    ctmsuspend {-s|-r}

    -s: Suspends Control-M/Server communication process, but leaves the gateway to ControlM/EM open.

    -r: Restores Control-M/Server communication process, but resumes normal operating mode.

  3. Type the following command to restore the Control-M/Server communication processes:

    ctmsuspend -r