
The ctmstvar utility displays the current value of a variable or function.

  • UNIX:

    • A variable that does not contain a $ sign can be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

    • A variable that does contain a $ sign must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

    • A variable that contains a $ sign cannot be resolved if it is enclosed in double quotation marks.

  • Windows: Variables must be enclosed with double quotation marks.

    The $WCALC variable is not supported with the ctmstvar utility.

Viewing a Variable Value Using the ctmstvar Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmstvar utility, which enables you to display the current value of a variable or function.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

      You can also run this utility in Control-M Agent by navigating to where Control-M/Agent is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    ctmstvar <orderID> <variableString>

ctmstvar Parameters

The following table lists the ctmstvar utility parameters:




Defines the Order ID of a job waiting in the Active Jobs database—as displayed in the Job Details window of the Control-M/EM. The Order ID is a base 36 number. If you want to specify the Order ID here as a base 10 number, prefix the number with an asterisk, and enclose it in quotation marks.

Use "0" to indicate no specific Order ID.



Describes the variable or string enclosed in quotation.

ctmstvar Examples

The following are examples of the ctmstvar utility commands:

ctmstvar a1 ‘%%$CALCDATE %%ODATE -2’

ctmstvar 0 "%%ODATE"