
The ccmcli utility enables you to interactively perform basic administrative tasks on Control-M components, including the following tasks:

  • Starting

  • Stopping

  • Ignoring

  • Recycling

  • Viewing details about components.

  • Removing old alerts.

  • Deleting job history or group definitions.

  • Deleting Agents or Agentless Hosts.

Running the ccmcli Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ccmcli utility, which enables you to perform basic administrative tasks on Control-M components.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: From Control-M/EM, open a command prompt. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

      For Windows client installations, open a command prompt window and navigate to the <EM_Instance_Name>\bin directory.

  2. Type the following command:

    ccmcli [-u <Username> [-p <Password>] | -pf <Password_File>] [-s <Configuration_Management_Server_Name>] [-t <Component_Type>]

    [-n <Component_Name>] [-h <Component_Host>] [-cmd <Command>]|[-date <YYYYMMDD>] | [-keep_days <Number>] | [-force Y|N] | [-node_id <Node_ID>] |[-ctlcmd <Command>] ]

ccmcli Parameters

The following table lists the ccmcli utility parameters.




Defines the Control-M for Databases username.


Defines the Control-M for Databases password.


Defines a filename in flat-file format that contains an unencrypted username and password on separate lines, as follows:




Defines Configuration Management Server (CMS) name. It is mandatory to specify this parameter.


Defines the type of component.

Valid Values:

  • Gateway

  • GUI_Server

  • GCS

  • BIM

  • Forecast_Server

  • Self_Service_Server

  • Web_Server

  • CTM_Server

  • CTM_Agent


Defines the logical name of the component.


Defines the component hostname.


Defines the required command that runs on the Agent configuration server or component.

Valid Values:

  • start

  • stop

  • ignore

  • recycle

  • details

  • remove_old_alerts

  • erase_jobs_history

  • delete_Agent

  • delete_remote_host

If the component type is -t CTM_Agent, only -cmd recycle is supported.

When you specify the -force flag, and the recycle command for an Agent, you an to recycle, even if jobs are running on it or on an associated Agentless Host.

You must specify the -date flag when you specify the remove_old_alerts command.

You must specify the -node_id flag when you specify the delete_Agent and delete_remote_host commands.

You must specify the Control-M/Server where the Agent and Agentless Host is defined when you specify the command type, name, and host for the delete_Agent and delete_remote_host commands.

You must specify the -keep_days flag, when you specify the erase_jobs_history command. All jobs above the specified number are deleted.

If you use the HA command, you must define the -action flag. Available options are -ha <em_failover|em_fallback|set_as_primary>

Deploy: The following flags must be specified:

  • -action <install|transfer|transfer_and_install>

  • -Agent

  • -ctm_server

  • -package

    If the action is install, you must specify -activity_id. If the action is transfer or transfer and install, you must specify -activity_name.


Defines the start date when alerts must be saved (older alerts are removed), as follows:


Use this parameter when specifying -cmd remove_old_alerts.

All alerts received up to and including the specified date are deleted.


Determines the number of days to keep jobs or group definition history.

Use this parameter when specifying -cmd erase_jobs_history.

All versions older than the specified number of days will be deleted.


Forces the component to recycle.

Valid Values:

  • Y

  • N

When -cmd recycle is specified for an Agent (-t CTM_Agent), you can specify the -force to force the Agent to recycle even if jobs are running on the Agent or associated Agentless Host.


Defines the Agent hostname, Agentless Host name, or node group where the job is submitted.


Defines a control shell command that is sent to one of the Control-M/EM components.

ccmcli Example

  • The following command starts the Control-M/Server on the alpine host computer:

    ccmcli -pf dailyuser -s alpha -t CTM_Server -n alpha_server -h alpine -cmd start

  • The following command saves the last 15 days of job definition history for user user014 and deletes older definitions.

    ccmcli -u user014 -p pass104 -cmd erase_jobs_history -keep_days 15 -s server04

    The following output appears:

    Number of old versions before deletion: 8512.
    Number of old versions after deletion: 3478.

    If jobs are executing when you run the utility, the number of deleted versions might be inaccurate.