Control-M for IBM Cognos SSL Configuration

The following procedures describe how to export and import the IBM Cognos Client, and how to enable the connection without a bypass check:

Exporting the IBM Cognos Client Certificate from the IBM Cognos Server

This procedure describes how to export the IBM Cognos client certificate from the IBM Cognos server, which enables you to connect to an SSL-enabled IBM Cognos dispatcher.


  1. Log in to the IBM Cognos server computer using a user ID that has Administrator privileges.

  2. Navigate to one of the following directory:

    • Windows: <Cognos_Installation>\bin

    • UNIX: <Cognos_Installation>/bin

  3. Type the following Windows/UNIX command:

    • Windows:

      >ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -T -r <temp dir>\CognosCacert.cer -k <Cognos install dir>\configuration\signkeypair\jCAKeystore -p <password>

    • UNIX:

      > -E -T -r <temp dir>/CognosCacert.cer -k <Cognos install dir>/configuration/signkeypair/jCAKeystore -p <password>

    The IBM Cognos client certificate is exported from the IBM Cognos server.

    If the <password> has never been changed in the IBM Cognos server configuration, type NoPassWordSet, which is the default case-sensitive value.

  4. Copy the CognosCacert.cer file to the Control-M/Agent computer where Control-M for IBM Cognos is installed in a temporary directory.

  5. Continue with Importing the IBM Cognos client certificate to Control-M for IBM Cognos JRE.

Importing the IBM Cognos client certificate to Control-M for IBM Cognos JRE

This procedure describes how to import the IBM Cognos client certificate to Control-M for IBM Cognos, which enables you to connect to an SSL-enabled IBM Cognos dispatcher.


  1. Log in to the Agent host where Control-M for IBM Cognos is installed.

  2. Navigate to one of the following directory:

    • Windows: <Agent_Installation>\cm\COGNOS\JRE\bin

    • UNIT: <Agent_Installation>/cm/COGNOS/JRE/bin

  3. Verify that the following Windows/UNIX file has write privileges:

    • Windows: <Agent_Installation>\cm\COGNOS\JRE\lib\security\cacerts

    • UNIX: <Agent_Installation>/cm/COGNOS/JRE/lib/security/cacerts

  4. Type the following command:

    • Windows: >.\keytool –import –file <temp dir>\CognosCacert.cer –keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts –alias Cognos

    • UNIX: >./keytool –import –file <temp dir>/CognosCacert.cer –keystore ../lib/security/cacerts –alias Cognos

    The ./ (dot slash) in front of the keytool command is required to ensure the certificate is imported to the Control-M for IBM Cognos JRE and not the computer default JRE.

  5. At the password prompt, type changeit.

  6. Type y to accept the certificate.

    The IBM Cognos client certificate is imported to the Control-M/Agent computer where Control-M for IBM Cognos is installed.

Bypassing the SSL Check

This procedure describes how to bypass the SSL check when you connect to an SSL-enabled IBM Cognos dispatcher.


  1. Log in to the Control-M/Agent computer where Control-M for IBM Cognos is installed.

  2. Set the IgnoreSSL parameter to Y in the following file:

    • Windows: <Agent_Installation>\cm\COGNOS\data\cm_container_conf.xml

    • UNIX: <Agent_Installation>/cm/COGNOS/data/cm_container_conf.xml

  3. Stop the Control-M for IBM Cognos container.