Data Evaluation

This procedure describes how to evaluate the imported data in the Assessment Report.

The Assessment Report is blank until you load your data into the Conversion Tool.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have selected a project, as described in Converting to Control-M.


  1. From the <project name> Assessment Report window, click Open in New Window.

    The Assessment Report <project name> window appears.

  2. Review the displayed data, and then click Close.

  3. Do one of the following:

Reloading Data

This procedure describes how to reload data after you have imported the data into the Conversion Tool.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have selected a project, as described in Converting to Control-M.


  1. From the <project name> Assessment Report window click Reload Data.

    The <project name> Load Data window appears.

  2. Continue with Step 3 in Converting to Control-M.

    Reloading data overrides the current project and any conversion.