Control-M Installation Without Oracle Database System Parameter

Due to security or organizational reasons, you might not be able to log in to the oracle database server with the system user credentials during the Control-M/EM or Control-M installation process. In this situation, the Control-M user needs to be created on the Oracle database before you install Control-M, as described in Creating a Control-M User in an Oracle Database.

After you have created the Control-M user in the Oracle database, you need to change an environment variable, as described in Enabling Control-M Installation Without System User Credentials.

Creating a Control-M User in an Oracle Database

This procedure describes how to create a Control-M user in an Oracle database. The database administrator must create this user before you install Control-M without defining the database username and password.


  1. Create table space with name that does not consist of one of the following strings:

    • users

    • example

    • temp

    • system

    • sysaux

    • perfstat

    BMC recommends the following table space features:

    • logging (Oracle default)

    • size

    • auto extend on extend management: automatic allocation (Oracle default)

    • segment space management automatic (Oracle default)

    • Compression BASIC (Workload Archiving only)

    • BIGFILE (Workload Archiving only)


  2. Create a profile with Oracle defaults, but it is strongly recommended to use the following profile features:

    • Unlimited idle time

    • Unlimited password life time

    Create profile BMC_PROFILE_$USERNAME limit idle_time unlimited password_life_time unlimited

  3. Create role in the database to use for the Control-M user.

    Create role BMC_ROLE_$USERNAME

  4. Assign the following permissions to the created role:

    • alter session

    • create procedure

    • create sequence

    • create session

    • select any dictionary

    • create synonym

    • create table

    • create trigger

    • create view

    Grant alter session, create procedure ,create sequence ,create session, select any dictionary, create synonym, create table, create trigger, create view to BMC_ROLE_CTMUSER;

  5. Create a database username that does not consist of one of the following strings and assign the created table space, profile, and role to it:

    • anonymous

    • perfstat

    • public

    • scott

    • sys

    • sysman

    • system

    Create user CTMUSER identified by CTMPASS default tablespace $TABLESPACE_NAME quota unlimited on $TABLESPACE_NAME profile BMC_PROFILE_$USERNAME

  6. Grant explicit permissions to the user, as follows:

    • grant create table to CTMUSER;

    • grant create view to CTMUSER;

    • grant select any dictionary to CTMUSER;

    • grant create database link to CTMUSER;

Enabling Control-M Installation Without System User Credentials

This procedure describes how to enable Control-M installation without system user credentials from the installation process. If you perform this procedure, the Control-M user must be created in the Oracle database before you install Control-M.

This procedure is not supported if you are installing the Full installation on UNIX.

To enable Control-M installation without system user credentials:

  • From a command line, set the following environment variable to Y:


Removing the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY Privilege

This procedure describes how to remove the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege using an Oracle database before or after a Control-M installation.


  • Do one of the following:

    • If you are doing a regular installation, set the environment variable NO_DICT.

    • If you are doing a non-system installation, verify that your DBA does not grant the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY.

    • If Control-M is already installed, open a request with your DBA to remove the privilege.