Getting Started

This procedure describes how to set up your Control-M environment and start planning your workflowsClosed A flow of jobs that executes at specific times, in a specific sequence, and under specific conditions..

To convert existing workflows from your current scheduling tool to Control-M, see Conversion.


  1. Install Control-M/EM, as described in Control-M/Enterprise Manager Installation.

  2. Install Control-M/Server, as described in Control-M/Server Installation.

  3. Install the required AgentsClosed A Control-M component installed on a host (computer) that runs and monitors the jobs on the host., as described in Agent Installation.

    Agents are Control-M components that are installed on the hosts where your jobsClosed An execution unit, such as a script or command, that executes at the operating system level, or as part of a third-party business application. run. Agents submit jobs for execution by the hosts, monitor jobs, perform post-processing analysis of completed jobs, and send the completion status and analysis results back to the server. For more information, see Agent Management.

  4. Install the required plug-ins, as described in Plug-ins.

    Plug-ins extend Control-M functionality to third-party applications like Hadoop or SAP, or add functionality like Control-M Managed File Transfer. For more information, see Plug-ins.

  5. Define connection profiles, as described in Creating a Centralized Connection Profile.

    For your installed plug-ins to work, you must define connection profiles that enable Control-M to connect to the required third-party application.

  6. Define users and roles, as described in User and Role Authorizations.

    Users are granted permissions based on their assigned role. Role definitions enable you to limit the Control-M features that a user is authorized to view or manage.

  7. Create and run your first workflow, as described in Creating and Running Your First Workflow.

  8. Analyze and troubleshoot the workflow, as described in Analyzing and Troubleshooting a Workflow.

  9. Generate and view reports, as described in Reports.

    The Reports feature enables you to create and generate ad hoc reports that provide information about definitions and operational issues in your Control-M environment.

Logging in to Control-M

This procedure describes how to log in to Control-M.


  1. From a web browser, type the following URL:


  2. Contact your Control-M Administrator for the server name and port number.

    If a warning message appears that states that this URL is not secure, verify that the server is trusted and proceed to the URL.

  3. Do the following:

    • In the User field, type your username.

      Define the local Control-M username that is provided to you by the Control-M Administrator, or an LDAP username when LDAP integrations are enabled, as described in LDAP SSL Configuration.

    • In the Password field, type your password.

  4. Click Sign In.

  5. Click Restore to restore any open tabs from your last session.

Creating and Running Your First Workflow

This procedure describes how to create and run your first workflow. In this procedure you create two jobs and combine them into a workflow.


  1. Log in to Control-M, as described in Logging in to Control-M.

  2. Click Planning to verify that you are in the Planning domain.

  3. Click and select Add New Workspace.

    The Create New Workspace pane appears, as shown in the following image:

  4. In the Name field, type a meaningful name and click Create.

    The new Workspace appears with an empty SMART folderClosed An executable container of jobs and sub-folders that passes its definitions to the included jobs and sub-folders., whose definitions appear in the right pane.

    For more information about other fields in the Create New Workspace pane, see Workspaces.

  5. In the Folder Name field, type a meaningful name.

    For more information about folders and their attributes, see Creating a Folder.

  6. Click Add Job drop-down list, and then click and drag an OS job into the SMART folder.

    The new OS job appears in the SMART folder, and the job definitions appear in the right pane. You must define attributes that are marked with a . Jobs placed inside a folder inherit the folder attributes.

    The new OS job enables you to run OS commands and scripts for Windows and Linux, as described in OS Job. Control-M includes other job types that interact with external applications such as Informatica, SAP, and Hadoop. For more information, see Job Types.

  7. In the right pane, in the General tab, define the following job attributes:

    • Job Name: Defines a meaningful job name.
    • Host/Host group: Defines the Agent hostname, Agentless Host name, empty host machine, or host group where the job executes. This is the same host where you installed Control-M/Agent in Getting Started.

    • Run as: Defines the operating system account username that is authorized to execute the job.

    • Type: Determines what the OS job executes, as described in OS Job. Select Command, and then in the Command attribute, type echo hello.

    For more information, see the following topics:

  8. Add another OS job to the SMART folder and define this job as you did the previous one, but instead of the command echo hello type echo bye.

  9. From the toolbar, click Rearrange to automatically rearrange the jobs in the folder.

  10. Hover over the bottom of the first OS job and drag the arrow that appears to the second OS job.

    This creates a dependency between the jobs that affects the progress of the workflow, as described in Events. The second job does not begin to execute until the first job successfully completes execution (ends OK, as described in Job Status). This directs the workflow sequentially from one job to the next.

  11. Click Check In and confirm.

    The Check In button is disabled and the Workspace appears in Read-Only Mode.

    The workflow runs automatically, according to its scheduling criteria. Jobs are set to run every day at 7:00 am, by default.

  12. Do the following to force the workflow to run now:

    1. From the center pane, select the SMART folder.

    2. From the toolbar click Run, and then click Run Selected.

    3. In the right pane, review the Run Selected Entities attributes, see Running a Workspace, Folders, or Jobs.

    4. Click Run.

      The workflow runs immediately.

  13. Do the following to view the workflow in the Monitoring domain:

    1. Click Monitoring.

      The Viewpoints pane appears in the Monitoring domain, as described in Viewpoints.

    2. Click Add Viewpoint.

      The Add Viewpoint dialog box appears.

    3. In the Folder Name field, type the folder name that you defined.

    4. Click Add Attribute and in the search field type Run Date, click Run Date, and then in the From field type the current date, and then click Open.

      The Viewpoint that contains the workflow that you just ran appears.

  14. View the job colors.

    A green check mark and border appears on the SMART folder and jobs, which indicates successful completion, as described in Job Status.

Analyzing and Troubleshooting a Workflow

This procedure describes how to analyze and troubleshoot a workflow. In this procedure, you create a workflow that fails, analyze why it fails, and then you fix it.


  1. From the Planning domain, define the following two jobs, as described in Creating and Running Your First Workflow.

    • Job 1, Command Eco: Define this job with the command eco hello—because eco is incorrect syntax, the job fails.
    • Job 2, Command Echo: Define this job with the command echo bye.
  2. Run the jobs and review the results in a Viewpoint, as described in Creating and Running Your First Workflow.

    In the Viewpoint, the first job appears red, which indicates that it did not successfully complete. The second job appears gray, which indicates that it is waiting for an event.

  3. Do the following to see a more detailed description of the job statuses:

    • Select the first job.

      Status Ended Not OK appears in the Run Information section, in the Summary tab of the job definitions pane.

    • Select the second job.

      Status Wait for Event appears in the Run Information section.

  4. Select the first job and click the LogClosed The activity log of a job, which lists every job status change, such as job execution start and completion times, and how the job ended. tab in the job definitions pane.

    The log appears and states the following:

    • The job started executing, which means that the Host/Host Group and Run as attributes were correctly configured.

    • The job ended with state NOT OK.

  5. In the job definitions pane, click the Output tab.

    The output appears and indicates that the command eco is not recognized, which indicates that this command syntax must be checked.

  6. Select the second job and in the job definitions pane, click the Waiting Info tab.

    The Waiting Info tab appears and indicates that the second job is waiting for the first job to finish successfully before it can execute. The second job cannot begin execution until the event is released from the first job. After you fix the mistake in the first job, both jobs can run successfully.

  7. In the right pane of the first job, view the Job Settings tab.

    The command syntax is incorrect: eco must be echo.

  8. In the right pane of the first job, click Edit.

    Change eco to echo and then click Save.

    The command syntax is now correct.

    To verify that the jobs are fixed, you must rerun the first job.

  9. Select the first job and then click Rerun.

    Watch as the jobs execute and the colors change to green.

    For more information about the actions you can do in the Monitoring domain, see Monitoring.

Changing Your Password

This procedure describes how to change your password.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have permissions to change your Control-M user password. If you do not have permission, contact your Control-M administrator. For LDAP users, change the password through the LDAP interface, as described in LDAP SSL Configuration.


  1. From the Home page, in the upper right corner, from the username drop-down list, select Change Your Password.

    The Change Your Password window appears.

  2. Do the following:

    1. In the Current Password field, type your current password.

    2. In the New Password field, type your new password (6–32 characters).

    3. In the Confirm Password field, retype your new password to verify its accuracy.

  3. Click Save.

    The new password is saved.

Setting User Preferences

This procedure describes how to set user preferences, which enable you to customize items such as your preferred views.


  1. Click the top right username icon, and from the drop-down list click Preferences.

    The Preferences window appears.

  2. Set your preferences, as described in User Preferences.

  3. Click Save.

    Your user preferences are saved.

    To change your password, see Changing Your Password.

    You can also access the My Home Page from the user drop-down menu. My Home Page is a customized HTML page that enables you to add your own content, such as procedures or favorite link. Please contact your Control-M Administrator to enable this feature.

User Preferences

The following table describes the user preferences that you can define.




Determines one of the following user interface languages:

  • English

  • German

  • Spanish

  • French

  • The following appears only in English:

    • Login and logout pages.

    • Control-M Application Integrator.

    • Control-M Reports.

    • Job logs.

    • All messages sent by the Control-M/Server.

User Views

Determines which user view to apply, as described in User Views.

Warning Dialogs

Determines whether all confirmation messages reappear if you have previously selected the Don't show this message again. checkbox.


Auto Save

Determines whether to automatically save Workspaces.

Workspace Default View

Determines whether Workspaces appear in Tile or List view by default.

Auto-created Events

Defines the default event format that creates job dependencies.

  • {Job/Folder Name}-TO-{TargetJob:Job/Folder Name}

  • {File/Member Name}-TO-{TargetJob:File/Member Name}

  • {Job/Folder Name}-ENDED-OK

  • {File/Member Name}-ENDED-OK

To customize and save additional event formats, replace the attributes in the { } (curly brackets) with other folder, job, or calendar attributes.

Automatically Delete Event

Determines whether to automatically delete an event after the successor job completes its execution.

Make Event Name Unique

Determines whether each event name is unique.

If you select this checkbox, an extension is added to all existing event names.

Fix Event Name on Value Changes

Determines whether to automatically update the event name when the source or target property changes.

This only works for new events.

Inherit Wait for Events

Determines whether SMART folders or jobs transfer their wait for events to successors when they are deleted, to retain workflow order.


Hide Empty SMART folders

Determines whether to hide empty SMART folders in the Monitoring domain.

Services Default View

Determines whether the Services tab appears in Tile or List view by default.

Viewpoints Default View

Determines whether the Viewpoints tab appears in Tile or List view by default.

Archive Search Maximum Results

Determines the maximum number of search results.

Map Job Node Title

Determines which of the following job attributes appears in the job title in Map view and in the Navigation pane:

  • Job/Member Name

  • Host

  • Run ID

  • Server Name

  • Application

  • Sub-applicattion

  • Description

Default: Job name.


Default Direction

Determines the default relationship of neighboring jobs to selected jobs.

  • Successor: Jobs that are dependent on (below) the selected job.
  • Predecessor and Successor: Jobs that are prerequisite to (above) and dependent on (below) the selected job.
  • Predecessor: Jobs that are prerequisite to (above) the selected job.
  • All Connections: All jobs, prerequisite to (above), on the same level as (to the sides), and successors to (below) the selected job.

Default Radius

Determines the maximum number of jobs that branch out from the selected job, based on the Default Direction preference, above.

Connection Options

Automatically Reconnect to Server

Determines whether to automatically attempt to reconnect when there is a Control-M/Server disconnection.

Default status: On

Max Connection Retries

Determines the number of times to attempt to automatically reconnect to before you are logged out.

Valid Values: 1–20

Default: 20

Time Between Retries

Determines how many seconds to wait between each reconnection attempt.

Valid Values: 1–20

Default: 20


This following table lists the old terminology used in previous versions and the new terms:





Control Resources

Lock Resources

Quantitative Resources

Resource Pools



On-Do Action


Logging Out of Control-M

This procedure describes how to log out of Control-M.


  • From the Home page in the upper right corner, from the username drop-down list, select Log Out.

    You are now logged out of Control-M. To log-in, see Logging in to Control-M.