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Bringing your own certificate

This procedure describes how to apply your own certificates signed by approved third-parties. This is achieved by running the Manage_SSL_BYO script on the Control-M/EM Server, and then running the script that was generated in the deployment directories, on the relevant components' installations.

NOTE: To update the Control-M/EM certificate, see Certificates.

The certificate that you apply must be a valid X509 certificate.

The following components are supported:

Before you begin

You must already have one or all of the following: the signed certificate, its private key, and its CA chain in one of the following formats:

To apply the certificates:

  1. Create a temporary folder in the root directory of the computer where the Control-M/EM resides.
  2. In the directories of the deployed components, add the scripts to import your SSL certificates and keys. See Examples of script usage when importing certificates and keys.

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