Generating your own certificate

This procedure describes how to generate your own certificate using a BMC provided script. The script Manage_SSL_Generate_CSR.bat /.sh is installed on the Control-M/EM Server computer and generates a KEYPAIR and a certificate signing request (CSR).

To generate your own certificate:

  1. Generate the RSA private key store file as a PEM file in the work area, as follows:

    Manage_SSL_Generate_CSR.bat/.sh -workarea <workarea path> –genkey [–keysize <size>] –password <password>


    EXAMPLE:Manage_SSL_Generate_CSR.bat –workarea /tmp/agent1 –genkey –password secret

  2. Generate the CSR, as follows:

    Manage_SSL_Generate_CSR.bat/.sh -workarea c:\temp\jj –gencsr –subj <text> | -subj_in_workarea -password secret


    EXAMPLE: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=BMC Software Inc/OU=Workload Automation/CN=cn/emailAddress=cn@company"

    The request.csr file that contains the CSR is now created in the work area.

  3. Send the CSR to your Certificate Authority (CA) or your Information Security group (Infosec).
  4. Request from your CA or Infosec the following files and copy them to the work area:
  5. Run the Manage_SSL_BYO script to generate a deployment directory for the certificate and private key, as described in Bringing your own certificate.

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