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Examples of script usage when importing certificates and keys

Examples of scripts for importing your SSL certificates and keys are presented below.

PEM format: Manage_SSL_BYO -input pem

-component {component name}

-output { Manage_SSL output deployment directory}

-output_keystores_password {Component keystore password}

-certificate {certificate pem file}

-private_key {certificate private key pem file}

-password {password for private key pem file}

-ca_certificates {CA certificate chain PEM file}

PKCS#12 format: Manage_SSL_BYO -input PKCS#12

-component {component name}

-output { Manage_SSL output deployment directory}

-output_keystores_password {Component keystore password}

-file {pkcs#12 file to import from}

-password {password of pkcs#12 file}

[-cert_and_key_name {name of the certificate and private key to import }]

Supported -component values:








EXAMPLE: PEM file usage in an environment using three agents:

Manage_SSL_BYO -input –component Control-M_Agent –output /tmp/Agent1_SSL_Deployment –output_keystores_password abcd1234 –input pem –certificate agent1cert.pem –private_key agent1key.pem –password secret –ca_certificates CAs.pem

Manage_SSL_BYO -input –component Control-M_Agent –output /tmp/Agent2_SSL_Deployment –output_keystores_password abcd1234 –input pem –certificate agent2cert.pem –private_key agent2key.pem –password secret –ca_certificates CAs.pem

Manage_SSL_BYO -input –component Control-M_Agent –output /tmp/Agent3_SSL_Deployment –output_keystores_password abcd1234 –input pem –certificate agent2cert.pem –private_key agent3key.pem –password secret –ca_certificates CAs.pem

EXAMPLE: PKCS#12 usage

For PKCS#12 with a single certificate and key pair (cert_and_key_name parameter not required):

Manage_SSL_BYO -input -component Control-M_Agent -output /tmp/Agent2_SSL_Deployment -output_keystores_password abcd1234 -input PKCS#12 -password 1234abcd -file /p12files/ag.p12

For PKCS#12 with multiple certificates and key pairs:

Manage_SSL_BYO -input -component Control-M_Agent -output /tmp/Agent2_SSL_Deployment -output_keystores_password abcd1234 -input PKCS#12 -password 1234abcd -file /p12files/All.p12 -cert_and_key_name ag

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