Configuring client distribution installation to use Manage SSL BYO (Bring Your Own) Script certificates

This procedure describes how to configure a client distribution installation to use your own certificates (Manage SSL BYO) You need to perform this procedure if you want to automatically distribute a Control-M client SSL Certificate from the Control-M/EM Server and you are using the Manage SSL BYO to bring your own security certificates.

To configure client distribution installation to use Manage SSL BYO (Bring Your Own) Script certificates:

  1. From the host where Control-M/EM server is installed, open a command line.
  2. Run the Manage_SSL_BYO script with one of the following to create a deployment directory for the Control-M/EM Server.

    EXAMPLE: Manage_SSL_BYO -input pem -component CONTROL-M_EnterpriseManagerServers

    -output EM_Servers_deployment_directory

    -output_keystores_password {Component keystore password}

    -certificate {certificate pem file}

    -private_key {certificate private key pem file}

    -password {password for private key pem file}

    -ca_certificates {CA certificate chain PEM file}

  3. Run the Manage_SSL_BYO script with one of the following to create a deployment directory for the Control-M/EM clients.

    EXAMPLE: Manage_SSL_BYO -input pem -component CONTROL-M_EnterpriseManagerClient

    -output EM_Client_deployment_directory

    -output_keystores_password {Component keystore password}

    -certificate {certificate pem file}

    -private_key {certificate private key pem file}

    -password {password for private key pem file}

    -ca_certificates {CA certificate chain PEM file}

  4. In the EM_Servers_deployment_directory, create a directory called internalClientSetup (case sensitive).
  5. Copy the content of EM_Client_deployment_directory into internalClientSetup .
  6. After the CONTROL-M_EnterpriseManagerServers deployment is installed using the setup.bat/.sh, the CONTROL-M_EnterpriseManagerClient package resides on the Control-M/EM server and is automatically deployed to Control-M/EM clients.

Parent Topic


See Also

Client Distribution