job_data XML Parameters Description

The following table describes job_data XML Parameters:




Provides a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of related job groups. The jobs do not necessarily have to run at the same time.


Indicates the type of external application (such as SAP) on which the external application job runs.


Average time (in minutes) for the job to run. The field displays the runtime statistic generated by the latest run of the CTMJSA utility (which generates a statistic based on the last successful runs of the job).


Control‑M installation to which the job belongs. String. Mandatory.


Determines whether the job is a critical-path job in Control-M, which ensures resources allocation order.


Indicates that the job must run at a designated time, interval of time.


Defines the text description of the job.


(Control‑M for z/OS only)Indicates that the current job or started task is an emergency job or started task


Date and time the job finished executing.


Defines the name of the folder. In the Properties pane this parameter indicates the folder where the job belongs.


For non-z/OS jobs, File Path indicates the location of the file that contains the script. For z/OS jobs, Member Library indicates the location of the Member that contains the JCL, started task procedure, or Warning message.


RBA of job’s SMART Folder entity.


Indicates if the job is included in Business Service.


Defines the name of the job.


Indicates the job state, such as Held, Deleted, or Restarted.


Name of the job. String. Valid values are:

  • Ended OK
  • Ended not OK
  • Executing
  • Wait Condition
  • Wait Resource
  • Wait User
  • Not in AJF
  • Unknown


Original scheduling date of a job.


Order ID of the job. String. Mandatory.


Default or dummy folder to which you indicate the job belongs. A folder is not necessary because jobs that are created with Control‑M/EM Web Services API are inserted directly into Active Jobs database. However, you may want to include a value for this parameter so that the job can be tracked during statistical analysis that uses folder as a criterion.


Default or dummy folder library in which folder documentation is said to be stored.

A folder (and, by extension, a folder library) are not necessary because jobs that are created with the Control‑M/EM Web Services API are inserted directly into Active Jobs database. However, you may want to include a value for this parameter so that the job can be tracked during statistical analysis that uses Folder or Folder Library as criteria. This parameter is specified only for z/OS jobs for which the order_folder element was also specified.


Order time of the job. String.

This parameter only applies to jobs run on Control‑M/Server for Distributed Systems 6.3.0x or Control‑M for z/OS 6.2.xx and above.


Indicates the next expected submission time for the job. For reruns or cyclic jobs that use the Interval option. For Control‑M for z/OS jobs, only the time can be specified. For all other jobs, the time and the date can be specified.


Relative block address (RBA). String.


Identifies the user name with the authorization to execute the job. This parameter is used by the Control-M security mechanism.


Number of times the job has been rerun.


Date and time the job began executing.


Serial number identifying the current job state.


Defines the name of the sub application to which the job belongs. Used as a descriptive name for related groups of jobs.


Defines the type of the job (task) to be performed by Control‑M. Valid values:

Microsoft Windows and UNIX:

  • Job
  • Command
  • Dummy
  • Detached
  • External
  • SMART Folder
  • Sub-folder

Control‑M for z/OS:

  • Job
  • Started Task
  • SMART Folder
  • Cyclic Job
  • Emergency Job
  • Emergency Cyclic Job
  • Cyclic Task
  • Emergency Task
  • Emergency Cyclic Task


Indicates the earliest time for submitting the job.


Indicates the latest time for submitting the job.


Indicates the global time zone used to calculate the interval for time-related conditions.

Parent Topic

response_act_retrieve_jobs XML parameters