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File Path/Member library

For non-z/OS jobs, File Path indicates the location of the file that contains the script. For z/OS jobs, Member Library indicates the location of the Member that contains the JCL, started task procedure, or Warning message.

The path or library specified in the File Path/Member library parameter and the accompanying File name/Member name do not have to exist when the job processing parameters are defined. Control-M searches for them only before actual submission of the job.

Additional information



This parameter can be used when the What parameter is Embedded Script/Embedded JCL. In this case, the Script parameter is required. For z/OS, this parameter can be used when the What parameter is Member.


  • Microsoft Windows, UNIX, OpenVMS: 1-255 characters
  • iSeries (AS/400): 1-10 characters
  • z/OS: 1-44 characters

Case Sensitive


Invalid Characters

  • Blanks
  • z/OS: Non-English characters
  • If the job runs on any version of Microsoft Windows 2000, prohibited filename characters (such as \, /, or *)

Variable Name


Alternate Names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: MEMLIB
  • Reporting Facility: MEM LIB
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: -memlib
  • Control-M for z/OS: MEMLIB
  • Control-M/EM API: mem_lib

Alternate Formats in other Control‑M components

Alternate formats for the File Path parameter are listed in the Computer specific information section in this folder.

Computer specific information

Microsoft Windows

The File Path parameter indicates the drive ID, and the names of the directory and subdirectories (if any).


The File Path parameter indicates the names of the directory and subdirectories (if any).

One of the following symbols can be used in place of or as part of the directory and sub-directory names (these symbols are resolved at the time the job is ordered or forced):

  • $HOME resolves to the home directory of the job owner.
  • ~<username> resolves to the home directory of the specified UNIX user.


The File Path parameter contains the (device:[directory]) that can be specified as the physical path or as an OpenVMS logical name.

iSeries (AS/400)

The File Path parameter contains the (device:[directory]) that can be specified as the physical path or as an OpenVMS logical name.


Format of the parameter depends on whether the job processing definition applies to a job (or warning messages) or a started task:


Valid values: a valid data set name of 1-44 characters or one of the following reserved values:

  • DUMMY - for dummy jobs
  • USER= name - for user-defined libraries
  • GENERAL - specifies the library referenced by DD statement DALIB in the Control-M procedure.

Started Task

Any of the following formats can be used for the value of Mem Lib:

*. taskid, where taskid is the ID of the task
The started task is activated in the computer in which the Control-M monitor is active.

cpuid, stcparms, where:
— cpuid is the ID of the computer in which the started task is to be activated
— stcparms is started task parameters

cpuid, where cpuid is the ID of the computer in which the started task is to be activated.

Valid values for cpuid are:

* – The computer where the Control-M monitor is active.


Started Task

Under JES2

  • Nn – where n is the JES/NJE host ID.
  • Mm – where m is the computer ID.
  • NnMm – where n is the JES/NJE host ID, and m is the computer ID.

Under JES3

Lname – where name is the logical JES name of the computer, that is, the name as used in the JES3 command *T, not the SMF system ID.

You can browse for the member that contains the JCL code, as described in Browsing remotely for the member that contains the JCL in a library.

EXAMPLE: Microsoft Windows






iSeries (AS/400)




Parent Topic

General parameters