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Control-M for Messaging - best practice

This topic describes how to add a connection profile and define a job for Control-M for Messaging.

To add a Connection Profile:

  1. In the Control-M Configuration Manager, right-click Control-M for Messaging and click Messaging Connection Profile Management.


    The following window appears:


  2. Click Add to add a connection profile for Messaging jobs. Choose a profile name indicative of the connection.

    The following window appears:


  3. Once you select the name click the application server you want to use and click Next.

    The following window appears:


  4. Either type in the JRE Home Path or click Browse to locate the JRE Home Path on the server you select. Once done, click Next.

    The following window appears:


  5. Type the the following:
  6. Click Next.

    The following window appears:


  7. Select Queue or Topic to monitor for or add a message to a queue or topic. Click Browse to browse for a queue or topic name.
  8. Set the message priority, the message expiration time and the message correlation ID prefix.
  9. For the Reply Queue definitions, select Wait for reply if you need to wait for the message response and then click Browse to select the reply queue or topic.
  10. If you need to add override options, click Options and add any options. Then click Next.

    The following window appears:


  11. Next click Add to add a Predefined Message, if needed. You can either type the message in or browse for a location where the message exists.
  12. Click Next.

    The following window appears:


  13. Once you have added all the options, click Test to validate the connection and the click Finish to save the profile.

To create a JMS job:

  1. In Control-M, from the Planning domain select Blank Workspace.
  2. From the job palette select, Messaging, drop the job into the workspace and click Properties.

    The following window appears:


  3. To create a Messaging job, give it a name indicative of function or to comply with standards.
  4. Select the connection profile.
  5. Select the predefined message to use or enter the free-form text message.

    You can also assign the output of the Messaging job to a Control-M variable and/or to an output file for further processing.

  6. Add any Advanced Output Settings.
  7. Click OK to save the job definition.

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