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Control-M for Web Services - best practice

This topic describes how to add a connection profile and define a job for Control-M for Web Services.

To add a Connection Profile:

  1. In the Control-M Configuration Manager, right-click Control-M for Web Services and click WS Connection Profile Management.


    The following window appears:


  2. Click Add to add a profile and give it a name indicative of the connection.
  3. The following window appears:


  4. In the Web Service Source field select the Web Service source from the dropdown list and then supply the Web Service Location.
  5. When finished, click Test to validate your connection.

To define a job

  1. In Control-M, from the Planning domain select Blank Workspace.
  2. From the job palette select, WS, drop the job into the workspace and click Properties.

    The following window appears:


  3. Type the Job Name and Description.
  4. In the Connection Profile field click to select the connection profile.
  5. Select the WSDL Service and Operation.
  6. If you need to supply parameters click the Use parameters from input file checkbox and enter the input file. If you need to add a SOAP header, click the checkbox and add the SOAP header location. The parameters are taken from the WSDL.
  7. Click OK to save the job definition.

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Best Practices