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Configuring Control-M MFT for client authentication

This procedure describes how to configure Control-M MFT for client authentication that allows the server to authenticate Control-M MFT. You can either use the Control-M MFT Certificate of Authentication (CA), or you can use one supplied by an outside vendor, as described in Configuring Control-M MFT for an alternative CA.

To configure Control-M MFT for client authentication:

  1. Set the host security level to Level 4.
  2. Configure Control-M MFT for server authentication, as described in Configuring Control-M MFT for server authentication.
  3. Do one of the following:

    NOTE: All paths described in the following procedures are written for UNIX users. Users of Microsoft Windows must ensure that when following these commands, all occurrences of a foreslash ("/") are changed to a backslash ("\").

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