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Configuring Control-M MFT for an alternative CA

This procedure describes how to configure Control-M MFT for client authentication using an alternative CA.

Before you begin

To configure Control-M MFT for an alternative CA:

  1. Copy your keystore file to the following location:

    <Control-M/Agent home directory>/cm/AFT/data/SSL/cert

  2. Update the keystore filename, location, and type, in the following location, as described in Java Keystore configuration:

    <Control-M/Agent home directory>/cm/AFT/data/

  3. Update the password, as follows:

    <Control-M/Agent_Home_Dir>/CM/AFT/exe/keystoreutil –keystorepasswd –storepass <your keystore password> –new_storepass <your keystore password> -keystoretype AFT_SSL –keystore <full path to your keystore file>

    The keystore file password is maintained, and the Control-M MFT SSL configuration file is updated with the encrypted password.

  4. Import the CA to your FTP server.

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