Java Keystore configuration

The following table describes Java Keystore configuration properties. A keystore is a database of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates. By default, Control-M MFT is installed with a defined keystore file located in <Control-M/Agent home directory>/cm/AFT/data/SSL/cert/aftkeystore.pfx.




Defines the path to the security directory where Java keystore file is located


Defines the keystore file name


Determines the type of the keystore file (PKCS12 or JKS)


(Optional) Defines a unique alias in for the keystore.

Use this option if you set security level to Level 4 and you have more than one private key entry in the keystore.

NOTE: If there is only one private key entry, there is no need to set this property.


Defines the encrypted password for the keystore. Use the same password for keystore and private keys.

NOTE: The aftkeystore.pfx file is provided with the default password: password. To ensure data security, change this password immediately, as described in Changing the MFT keystore password. If you created a new keystore file in Configuring Control-M MFT for an alternative CA,use its password for future commands. If you already changed it, use the new password.

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