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Configuring Control-M MFT for server authentication

This procedure describes how to configure Control-M MFT for server authentication. To implement server authentication, you must import the CA belonging to each of the FTP over SSL/TLS servers to which Control-M MFT keystore.

To configure Control-M MFT for server authentication:

  1. Set the host security level to Level 3.
  2. Copy the FTP over SSL/TLS server CA file to a temporary location on the computer on which Control-M MFT is installed.
  3. Navigate to the following location:

    <Control-M/Agent home directory>/cm/AFT/JRE_LINK/bin/

  4. Import the certificate for the CA as follows:

    NOTE: Ensure that the certificate is valid before you import it as a trusted certificate. View it with the keytool -printcert command or the keytool -importcert command without the -noprompt option, and verify that the displayed certificate fingerprints match the expected ones.

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