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Deploying SSL on BMC Components

This procedure describes how to run an SSL deployment script on all relevant Control-M components. Repeat the procedure below for all components, for example: Control-M/EM Servers, Control-M/Server, and Control-M/Agent.

NOTE: To update the Control-M/EM certificate, see Certificates.

To apply the certificates on Control-M components:

  1. Copy the directory Certificate_for_<component name> to a temporary directory in the computer where the component is installed, for example: <tempLocation>.
  2. Stop the component.
  3. From the root directory of the Control-M component, run the following command:

    EXAMPLE: If you placed the deployment directories in /p/Control-M_v6_new_demo, and your Control-M/Enterprise Manager is installed at /bmc/Control-M_EM/Default, then you must run in a UNIX shell:

    $ cd /bmc/Control-M_EM/Default

    $ /p/Control-M_v6_new_demo/Certificate_for_CONTROL-M_EnterpriseManagerServers\

    The files are deployed to the required locations and the Control-M component uses either the default keystore password, or if you have specified a Key Store Password, the password by which the Certificates Key Store is locked, is used instead.

  4. Restart the relevant component.

Restoring a previous certificate

If you want to automatically restore a previous certificate from a backup for Control-M/EM Client, Control-M/EM Server, Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent, run the setup script from the backup, as follows:

The setup scripts save a backup of the certificate state prior to the deployment in a separate directory in the ssl_backup directory.

Parent Topic

SSL Management