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Certificate copies for Control-M for z/OS

For Control-M for Z/OS you need to pass the directory content to your z/OS Control-M administrator.

The following table describes the keystore files for z/OSthat are generated by running Manage SSL from CCM.

Key store file



Export the certificate for Control-M for z/OS with the key-pair to be used by IOAGATE in PKCS#12 format. The password for the PCKS#12 file is displayed in the summary window that is generated when running the Generate Component Certificates wizard.


Export the certificate of the Site CA that signed the certificate in PEM format when CLIAUTH=YES (which uses client authentication) is defined in IOAGATE.

For more information about how to use these files, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide, Appendix B "IOAGATE installation and configuration considerations, SSL support".

Parent Topic

SSL Management