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util is a multi-purpose utility that can perform the following functions from the command line:

When version management mode is selected (default), the following additional functions are available from the command line:

All the functions use DB_ARGS in the following format:

[-D <database>][{-U <user> -P <password>} |-pf <fileName>]
[-S <server>][-T <level>] [-dbms <system>][-dbtimeout <sec>]
[-dbfile <path>]

For more information about DB_ARGS database arguments, see DB_ARGS database arguments fields.

For Functions and syntax of the util utility (UNIX), add em and a space before specifying util. For example: em util <DB_ARGS> <buildSchema> [-cdbg {1 - 5}][-T 3]

The following topics describe how to run the utility, functions, configuration and parameters:

NOTE: The util utility is automatically installed on Windows computers with the Control-M/EM Gateway component. For more information about version management, see Using Control-M.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM utilities