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Control-M/EM utilities

This table lists the Control-M/EM utilities for database maintenance.

Utility Type



The db_check utility provides the following information about Control-M/EM databases:

  • Size of the database
  • Availability of space in the database
  • Verification of database integrity.
  • Automatic database and transaction log monitoring


The db_check_space utility provides the following information for Control-M/EM databases that use Oracle database servers.


Facilitates day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M/EM running with PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL databases.

For maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M/Server database running with PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL see dbu_menu.


NOTE: You can run many of the utilities interactively, as described in Interactive database utilities.


The arc_database_menu utility can be invoked interactively to facilitate day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M Workload Archiving running with a PostgreSQL database.


The em_rebuild_database utility can be invoked to rebuild the Control-M/EM database in the specified PostgreSQL server database.


The em_SQL utility enables you to connect to the database from the command line.


The loader utility is used to load default data to the Control-M/EM database.


The sweep utility deletes jobs that are no longer active from the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases.


Performs the following functions from the command line:

  • Export data from the Control‑M/EM database
  • Import data to the Control‑M/EM database
  • Delete the Control‑M/EM database
  • Clear the Control‑M/EM database
  • Build the Control‑M/EM database
  • Export a specified definition folder
  • Import a specified definition folder
  • Import Control-M/Forecast data
  • Export Control-M/Forecast data
  • Remove Control-M/Forecast data (to save disk space)


Enables you to update the host name configuration.

Parent Topic

Database maintenance