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Obsolete criteria examples

This following are examples of how the sweep utility applies the obsolete criteria to determine whether various jobs are obsolete.

The following values apply to all examples in this section:


Job 1 belongs to SMART Folder G and has RBC A. ACTIVE_FROM is not defined for Job 1.

ACTIVE_TILL is defined for Job 1 for October 1, 2016. The relationship between Job 1 and its RBCs is AND.

Result: Job 1 is obsolete.


Job 2 belongs to SMART Folder G and has RBC B.

ACTIVE_FROM and ACTIVE_TILL are not defined.

The relationship between Job 2 and its RBCs is OR.

Result: Job 2 is active.


Job 3 belongs to SMART Folder G and has RBCs A, B, and C.

RBC C was deleted from SMART Folder G, but Job 4 still has it.

ACTIVE_FROM and ACTIVE_TILL are not defined.

The relationship between Job 3 and its RBCs is AND.

Result: Job 3 is active, while RBC C is ignored.

General notes

The following notes may be applicable to the features described in this section:

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