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29007 Gateway Control-M name, Received Update, but job not found in EM database, For Order_ID orderID (decimalOrderID) Update Sequence Number number, Event Time time (ERROR)

Explanation: X-Alert message. The Gateway receives a request from the Control-M/Server to update an active job, but the job is not found in the Control-M/EM database. This message indicates that the Control-M/EM database is not completely synchronized with the Active Jobs on the Control-M/Server.

The variables in this message are:

The Gateway rejects the update request.

Corrective Action: Force the Gateway to download the Active Jobs database by performing the following steps:

If the problem persists, run the Control-M/EM Health Check utility by typing em_data_collector from the command line and contact BMC Customer Support. For more information about using the Health Check utilities, see: Health Check utility.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Messages