Site standards rules editor parameters

The following table lists the Site standards rules editor parameters:



Applied to

Applies job parameter rules to specific job types in the same Site Standard.

EXAMPLE: Job Name applied to OS job type

Default Value

Defines a default value for a folder/job parameter.


Indicates that the parameter is mandatory.

Possible values

Defines more than one value that a Control-M Workload Change Manager web user and Control-M scheduler can use. Any one of these options is valid. You cannot define pattern parts if you define possible values. If you define other rules like length, or character restrictions, the possible values have to comply with these rules.

Pattern Parts

Indicates that a parameter is composed of a pattern.

Business parameters

Indicates that a business parameter can be used as a pattern part of a Control-M folder/job parameter.


Job Name: [Business Parameter][*]

Folder/job parameters

Indicates that a folder/job parameter rule can be used as a pattern part of another folder/job parameter rule.


Job Name:[Application]

Internal rules

Indicates that an internal rule can be used as a pattern part of folder/job parameter and a business parameter.


Job Name:[Internal Rule][1-9 characters][*]

Fixed text

Indicates that a fixed value is used in the parameter as a constant string.

Free text

Indicates that any value can be used in the parameter.


Determines the minimum and maximum length of characters in a parameter.


Determines character restrictions, such as which characters are allowed, which characters are excluded, the use of uppercase and lowercase letters, and digits in a parameter.

EXAMPLE: Job Name: [1-9 characters][#%4&]


Determines patterns/values to be excluded in the site standard rule, which prohibits users from using them in a job definition.


If you do not want a root user to be defined in the Run As parameter, you can do the following:

Folder/Job attribute: Run as

Pattern Parts: Free text

Patterns: Root

You can use more than one pattern/value to exclude, which you separate by ",".

You can also use "*" as a wildcard to exclude a string.


If you do not want users to define an AIX host in the Host/Host group parameter and your organization uses strings such as aix1-d1d2, aix2-d2d3, etc. as a naming convention for all AIX hosts, you can do the following:

Folder/Job attribute: Host/Host Group

Pattern Parts: Free text

Patterns: aix*

Validate according to topology

Verifies that the defined Host/Host Group exists as an agent, remote host, or host group in the Control-M Configuration manager. This prevents the user from defining hosts that do not exist on the Control-M on which the job runs.

This checkbox appears when you select the Host/Host group Control-M parameter from the Folder/Job Attribute drop-down list.


Enables you to define specific rules for Notifications before and after jobs completion/On-Do Notify messages for a specific destination. The two options in the Folder/Job Attribute drop-down list appear as Notification Message and Do Notify Message.

The rule is applied when a user defines a notification message on the destination you set in the Site Standard rule.


For a Do Notify Message, destination Alerts Window, users can only use fixed text Smart followed by free text; Smart*.

Folder/Job attribute: Do Notify Message

Pattern Parts: Fixed Text (SMART)

Pattern Parts: Free text

Rerun Limitation

Enables you to limit the minimum and maximum rerun interval in minutes, hours, and days. The rule is applied when a user defines a cyclic job in the Scheduling tab of the Planning domain in Workload Change Manager and Control-M. You can also set a default value. Take note, the default value has to comply with the limitation rule you set.

The new option appears in the Folder/Job Attribute drop-down list as Rerun Interval.

Parent Topic

Site standards management