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29001 EM - Control-M name Communication Service Timed Out. timeout= time, type= type, instance= ID (ERROR)

Explanation: X-Alert message. A communication service between the Gateway and Control-M timed out. This service can be a request for an action, such as hold or free, or a request for information, such as output, log or download.

The variables in this message are:

The service is canceled by the Gateway.

Corrective Action: Generally, a service timeout is an indication of a performance problem. If the problem occurs again:

Right-click the specified Gateway component using the Control-M Configuration Manager GUI and choose Control shell.

Specify the TRACE_CLIENT control shell command and click Apply.

Specify the TRACE_CTM control shell command and click Apply.

Right-click the specified Gateway component using the Control-M Configuration Manager GUI and choose Control shell.

Specify the TRACE_DISABLE_ALL control shell command and click Apply.

Contact BMC Customer Support and supply the logs from the Control-M/EM Server as well as the CO and CS logs from Control-M/Server. For more information about using the Health Check utility, see: Health Check utility.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Messages