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Importing the Control-M/EM exported data to the new version

This procedure describes how to import the Control-M/EM exported data to the new version of Control-M/EM.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have met the following requirements:

To import:

  1. Run one of the following commands:

    The Upgrade (Import) menu appears.


  2. Press 1.
  3. When prompted, enter your Control-M/EM database credentials (owner user and password), and then enter the Database System Administrator password.

    The import process checks for open connections to the Control-M/EM database, and reminds you to shut down open connections.

  4. After all connections are shut down and you are ready to continue, enter 2 (Continue Import).
  5. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions until the import is complete.

    The import process converts the data and imports it into the new database.

  6. Start up the EM components.

    NOTE: If you are upgrading from Control-M/EM version 7.0.00 or earlier and you use a Web Server, you must define the Web Server component in the CCM from Control-M/EM version 8.0.00 or later.

For information on debugging the Control-M/EM import process, see Debugging the Control-M/EM export and import processes.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Migration