Exporting a connection profile

This procedure describes how to export a connection profile from one Control-M/Agent to another Control-M/Agent, where Control-M for MFT is installed.

To export a connection profile:

  1. From the CCM, select Control-M for MFT on the host that you want to manage, right-click and select Connection Profile Management.

    The Control-M for MFT - Connection Profile Management dialog box appears.

  2. Select the connection profile that you want to export, and click .

    The Connection Profile Management - Export Connection Profile Destination dialog box appears.

  3. From the Control-M/Server name drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that contains the Control-M/Agent, where you want to export the connection profile.
  4. From the Control-M/CM Host Name drop-down list, select the Control-M/Agent that contains the target Control-M MFT to export the connection profile.
  5. Click OK.

    The Export Connection Profile Destination dialog box appears.

  6. In the Connection Profile Name field, enter a name for the exported connection profile and click OK.

    If you want to change parameters to this connection profile, see Editing a connection profile.

  7. Click Test (optional).

    If the test completed successfully, the connection profile is validated and you can now define a MFT job, as described in Defining a File Transfer job. If the test failed, review the error message and test it again.

  8. Click OK.

Parent Topic

Connection profile management