This task determines whether your MSSQL database is using a character set that is compatible with the ISO Latin-1 character set.
To configure the MSSQL database:
declare @X varchar(40)
SELECT 'Database Collation: ' + description FROM ::fn_helpcollations()
WHERE name=@X
SELECT 'Database Code Page ' + CAST(COLLATIONPROPERTY(@X, 'CodePage')
Check the command output to determine whether your attribute values match the values in the table:
Attribute |
Value |
Character Set |
Latin1-General |
Sort Order |
binary sort |
Database Code Page |
1252 |
If the values match, skip the remaining steps and go to Configuring the MSSQL database client.
util -U user -P password -export -type all -file exportFile
util -U user -P password -clean_database
select db_name()
select count(*) from sysobjects where type='U' and name <>'dtproperties'
If the database is not empty (meaning, the output from the previous query is not equal 0), contact BMC Customer Support.
select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where dbid=DB_ID()
If other users or applications are connected to the database (meaning, the output from the previous query is not 1: you), request that all users disconnect, and shut down all connected applications.
Alter database databaseName Collate Latin1_General_BIN
util -U user -P password -build_schema
util -U user -P password -import -replace -type all -file exportFile
exportFile is the name of the file exported.
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