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How job substitution works

Job substitution is controlled by the JOBSUBST parameter in CTMPARM and the CTMSUBST member in the IOA.PARM library. Each line in the CTMSUBST member defines a library and a member from which a job will be submitted instead of the original job specified in the job definition (for example, replacing the specified MEMLIB and MEMNAME). The keyword DUMMY can also be used to change the job to a dummy one.

Note: If the submitted entity is not a JOB (for example, an STC), it is nevertheless submitted as a JOB.

A 'count' can also be included in each line, to specify the number of jobs to substitute according to the specifications of that line. After the specified number of jobs have been submitted using a particular line, the Substitution process moves on to the next line. When all lines have been exhausted, the member wraps around and the Substitution process uses the first line again.

When jobs are replaced, the post-processing statements DO MAIL, DO REMEDY, and DO REMFORCE are skipped, and you can choose whether to skip the DO SHOUT statement.

For more information about the JOBSUBST parameter, see Submitter subtask section in INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing.

Parent Topic

Job Submission Substitution Facility