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For Non-Held Sysout Selection

If an ON SYSOUT statement is specified with an ON CLASS statements, ON SYSOUT processes non-held output selected by the ON CLASS statements.

However, if only an ON SYSOUT statement is specified, the non-held sysout is ignored.

Note: pgmstep is the step name in the job, and procstep is the step name in the JCL procedure:

ON SYSDATA is a general name for all system informational data of the job (SYSJCL, SYSLOG, SYSMSG).

ON SYSLOG decollates only the job log console messages dataset of the job (first dataset).

ON SYSJCL decollates only the expanded JCL system messages dataset of the job (second dataset).

ON SYSMSG decollates only the runtime execution messages dataset of the job (third dataset).

The ON SYSDATA, ON SYSLOG, ON SYSJCL and ON SYSMSG statements treat held and non-held output in the same way as statement DO SYSOUT (described above).

Parent Topic

ON Statement: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)