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General Information

Statement DO USER specifies either the user name for the identified report page or the line and column range on the report page where the user name can be found.

Enter an asterisk if the user name should be found on the report page, and then specify the appropriate line and column ranges. Parameter LINE is optional. If it is omitted, the line in which the WHEN string was found is used to search for the user name.

Control-V locates the first non-blank string in the specified area and searches for it in the Recipient Tree. Whenever a DO USER is specified, Control-V is originally positioned on the last identified user in the tree. If the page does not belong to the same user, a search is made for the user name (or synonym) in the tree. If LVL is also specified, the search is limited to user names of the specified level.

The search is first conducted under the current position in the tree (that is, the children). If not found, then a scan is conducted on all children of the last identified user’s parent. The search continues until the user is found.

The recipient name comparison (between the report and the tree) is performed on a character basis. It is possible to employ other comparison criteria using Control-V user Exit CTDX016. For example, check if the name in the report falls within a specified range (such as catalog number) in the tree. For additional information see Defining the Recipient Tree.

Any number of DO USER statements can be specified. They can be used either to identify more than one recipient for the same page, or to identify specifically (point to) the user location in the tree.

Special handling occurs when two or more DO USER=* statements are used. When both a child and a parent are identified in DO USER=* statements, the parent receives a copy of the report only if parameter TYPE is set to U. If parameter TYPE is set to C (or blank), multiple DO USER statements can be used to point to a Recipient Tree location.


Two DO USER=* statements are specified with different LINE/COL references. The first yields the string BRANCH3 (parent) and the second yields the string FINANCE (child). If TYPE is set to blank (or C), only user FINANCE (at BRANCH3) receives the report. Control-V does not generate a copy for the parent (BRANCH3). The first DO USER statement specifies that the report belongs to the Finance Department of BRANCH3 and not to the Finance Department of another branch.

Parent Topic

DO USER: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)