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DO INDEX Subparameters

The following subparameters are displayed:

Table 212 DO INDEX Subparameters




Name of a main index. One through 20 alphanumeric characters including hyphen and underscore. Embedded blanks are not permitted. Mandatory.

Specifying the reserved word DDNAMES produces a special index described below under General Information.


Defines multi-value index. Optional. Valid values are:

  • M (Mask) - Create multi-value index from the one range according to mask.

    More than one index value will be created if more than one substring matching the MASK is found in the specified range. The relative INDEX COL parameter and MASK enclosed in asterisks are mandatory.

  • A (And) - Define additional value range for the multi-value index.

    The AND statement will appear after INDEX, SUBINDEX, or AND statements. The AND statement does not show R, G, and RC subparameters.

    If the relative INDEX COL parameter and MASK enclosed in asterisks is used, and more the one substring matching the MASK is found in the specified range, all of the substrings that match the MASK will be extracted.

    To delete an AND statement, type blank in the M field of previous DO INDEX, SUBINDEX, or AND statement.

  • T (Tree) - Define additional range in value branch for multi-value index with separate subindex values.

    The first DO INDEX/SUBINDEX statement defines the value range in base value branch of index tree. The additional DO INDEX/SUBINDEX statements for the same index define the value ranges in the additional value branch defined above in base statement. The additional DO INDEX/SUBINDEX statement doesn't show R, G and RC subparameters.

    The low level values will be connected exactly to the higher level values from the same tree branch.

    The base and additional value ranges may be specified under different ON/WHEN statements.

    If the relative INDEX COL parameter and MASK enclosed in asterisks is used, and more than one substring matching the MASK is found in some specified range, all of the sub-strings matching the MASK will be extracted.

  • Blank - Define regular index. Default.


Determines whether or not the main index and its subindexes remain disk-resident. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Indexes remain on disk when the report migrates. Copies of indexes migrate with the CDAM file. Default for first three main indexes (including their subindexes) created for each report name.
  • N (No) – Indexes migrate with the CDAM file. Default for indexes created after the first three main indexes. Indexes deleted from disk are accessible from the media to which they migrated.


Global indexes support. Valid values are:

  • Y – Add the index values to Global Index DB2 tables during decollation mission processing.
  • N – Do not add the index values to Global Index DB2 tables. You can add them by means of the CTVUPGBD utility. Default.

(index) LINE

Used in the LINE format only.This field specifies the report line on which the index value can occur.

To change to VAR format, type %% and press Enter.

The LINE subparameter can be in one of the following formats:

  • Record level – Type a + or – sign followed by a number from 000 to 99999 that indicates the position of the line containing the index value relative to the line containing the mandatory mask value. Mandatory. The index value and mask value must be on the same page.
  • Page level – Type a number from 001 through 99999 that identifies the report line on which the index value can be found. Optional. The default value is the line containing the WHEN string. If a mask value is specified, this field can include a + or – sign as described above for a record level index.

Note: If the comparison operator in the STRING subparameter of the WHEN parameter is set to .NE., do not use a blank value for the LINE subparameter. This is because the .NE. setting indicates that a specific line cannot be determined. For more details see Table 242 in General Information.


Used in the VAR format only. The variable from which to extract the index values.

Format: %%varname[(startpos,length)] where

  • varname is the name of the variable, comprised of 1 through 8 characters. Mandatory.
  • startpos is the starting position of the substring to be extracted from the variable.
  • length is the length of the substring to be extracted from the variable.

To change to LINE format, delete the contents of this field and press Enter.


Used in the LINE format only. Identifies one of the following:

  • an absolute column range from which to extract the index values
  • a relative column and index value length from which to extract the index values

The maximum number of columns that can be specified is 50.

The COL subparameter has two mandatory subparameters:

  • from_col – The format of from_col depends on whether an absolute or relative column range is required, as follows:
    — If an absolute column range is specified, from_col is a 5-digit number from 00001 through 32768 that specifies the report column in which the index value begins.
    — If a relative column range is specified, from_col is a + (plus) or - (minus) sign followed by a 5-digit number from 00001 through 32768 that specifies the report column in which the index value begins, by reference to the column in which the mandatory mask value begins. BMC recommends that you enclose the mask value between asterisks (*).
  • to_col – The format of to_col depends on whether an absolute or relative column range is required, as follows:
    — If an absolute column range is specified, to_col is a 5-digit number from 00001 through 32768 that specifies the report column in which the index value ends. to-col must be greater than or equal to from-col.
    — If a relative column range is specified, to_col is a 5-digit number from 00001 through 00050 that specifies the index value length. Use only if from_col is a relative value.


Mandatory for record level index, and for index with relative column value. Optional for a page-level index. 1 through 20 character mask that must be "matched" to validate an index value and trigger indexing. Valid "wild card" mask characters are:

  • * – Zero to any number of characters
  • ? – Any single character
  • @ – Any single letter (A-Z, a-z)
  • # – Any single digit (0 - 9)

(mask) LINE

A pair of 5-digit numbers from 00001 through 32768 that specifies the report line range within which the string to compare with the mask occurs.

For a record level index, this line range is mandatory and must include more than one report line.

For a page level index, this line range is optional and its default value is the line containing the WHEN string. Line ranges for the index and mask can be different but must be on the same page.

For ON TRNCLASS or ON TRNDSN the first digit of the line number is set according to the orientation. For more information see Creating a Text Report from the Print Stream Report (Second Temporary Decollation Definition).


Index type. Optional. Specifies whether an index is page level, continuous record level, or non-continuous record level. Valid values are:

  • N (No) – The index is page level. Default.
  • C (Continuous) – The index is continuous record level.
  • Y (Yes) – The index is non-continuous record level.
  • x – The index is non-continuous record level with a maximum number of x highlighted records, where x is a single digit from 1 through 9.


One through 20-character subindex name. Optional. Each level 01 main index (except DDNAMES) can have hierarchical subindexes at levels 02 through 10. A maximum of nine subindexes can be defined for each main index. No level between the main index and the level being specified can be skipped.

As the main index and each of the first eight subindexes are specified, two additional lines are displayed for specifying a subindex. Subindex parameters LINE, COL, VAR, MASK, LINE, COL and RC are identical to the corresponding main index parameters. Parameter R is not displayed. The disk-resident status of each subindex is the same as the main index at the top of its hierarchy.


2-digit hierarchical index level from 02 (highest subindex) through 10 (lowest subindex). Optional. Default is the next lower level (greater number) in the hierarchy under the last previously specified index. For information about hiding and displaying the Index Level Display, see PATH Command.


Specifies the name of the print mission that will be used to print by index (that is, to print the sections of reports corresponding to the index values).


Specifies the scope of the print mission. The valid values are:

  • E - Explicitly - Report sections will be printed for predefined index values. The predefined index values, subscribed in advanced for printing using the CTVUPINV utility, include specific printing parameters. Default.
  • A - All - Report sections for all available index values will be processed. Report sections for index values subscribed for printing with corresponding printing parameters will be printed according to their settings. All other index values will be printed according to default parameters of the original report.
  • S - Subscription - Report sections will be printed for index values with defined subscribe records. The index values can be subscribed either using Control-D/WebAccess or the CTVUPINV utility.


Optional. Indicates whether the specified printing missions will process the report created by the current decollation mission or process the report created by the printing mission with STORE=Y. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes)—The print mission will be assigned to the report created by the printing mission with STORE=Y.
  • N (No)—Default. The print mission will be assigned to the report created by the current decollation mission.

Parent Topic

DO INDEX: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)