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General Information

The WHEN LINE and COLUMN range parameters specify the area on a report page in which the identifying character string is located.

The parameters that immediately follow the WHEN line and column range on the Report Decollating Definition screen provide additional page identification instructions.

The following are further details of the WHEN subparameters:

Table 242 Further WHEN Subparameter Details




The range of lines on the page (from and to) within which the character string search takes place.

The special line range 99999 is used to search the entire page as a stream of data. This method is usually used when decollating a sysout in Page Mode (as opposed to Line Mode). Page Mode is often used for graphic reports and reports designed for laser printers. There is no way to check for line range in Page Mode output.

If multiple WHEN statements are joined by concatenation parameter A (And), an asterisk can be entered in parameter LINE of the second and subsequent WHEN statements to specify that the required strings are searched for in the same line in which the string required by the first WHEN statement was found.



The range of columns (from and to) within which the character string search takes place.

The special column number 9999 is used to search an entire row. This is useful for AFP format lines to search the entire line.

Note: It is possible to specify large search windows (for example, the entire page or most of it). However, large search windows should generally be used only in the early stages of report definition. It is recommended to minimize the size of the search window (when possible) for two reasons:

  • The identifying string may appear in a different part of the search window unexpectedly, thereby causing incorrect report distribution.
  • Performance is greatly improved, especially for large reports.


The value N is intended for cases where a site-developed report distribution system has been used. Set PRINT to N if the identifying string resides on a line which should not be included in the printed report.


This option is intended for special cases where the REF NXT identification is set to Y, the CONTID default is Y.


The WHEN statement STRING field can contain logical comparison operators. The format of the string when it contains these operators is as follows:

STRING = [op_comp] {string| %%var2 | %%system_var}[(<startpos>,<length>)]}


  • op_comp is the comparison operator. Periods on both sides of the operator are mandatory. An operator must start in the first column of the STRING field. The following operators are supported:

    — .GT.—Greater than

    — .LT.— Less than

    — .GE.— Greater than or equal to

    — .LE.— Less than or equal to

    — .EQ.— Equal to

    — .GL.— Not equal to

    — .NE.— No matching value was found in the range. The line for the next set of DO statements cannot be determined.

  • string is the string used for comparison. The string can contain blanks, quotes and hexadecimal format.
    STRING=' EMP '
  • var2 is the variable used for comparison
  • system_var is a system variable used for comparison
  • startpos is the starting position of the substring to be extracted
  • length is the length of the substring to be extracted

When a page is identified by Control-V, the DO statements specified under the WHEN statement are activated for that page.

Note: A report may contain characters that cannot be displayed because they are not supported by the terminal. Also, some characters appear different on the screen than in print (for example, special characters on laser printers).

In such cases, you can use Control-D Exit CTDX007 to perform character set translations based on the contents of the string field. A special symbol in the string field designates the use and name of the translation table. Using this method, you can handle all the possible printing symbols, including graphics.

Parent Topic

WHEN: Decollating Parameter