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Parameters Unique to Text Report Cliques

Report Clique parameters that are unique to Text reports are described in the following tables.

Table 151 General Parameters—Unique to Text Report Cliques

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


Report Encoding


This parameter specifies the report encoding. The report is translated from the specified coding to Latin1 in LEGACY mode or to UTF-8 in UNICODE mode, and then kept in the translated encoding.

Default: Latin1 in LEGACY; or UTF-8 in UNICODE

Report Language


This parameter is used only when working in UNICODE mode.

It specifies the report language, and is used to select the correct font.

Default: English

Report Normalized Encoding


The parameter specifies the internal report encoding in Control-D. The report is translated from the encoding specified in Report Encoding parameter to Normalized encoding, and is kept in the Normalized encoding. This parameter is valid only for Legacy mode, in UNICODE mode Normalized Encoding is always UTF-8.

Optional. Default: Latin1 in Legacy mode or UTF-8 in UNICODE mode.

Print Control Char


The Text report contains Print Control characters which should be used when viewing the report. Valid values are:

  • ASA
  • Machine
  • None. Default.

TRC character used


The parameter determines if TRC character exists in report. Valid values are:

  • Yes
  • No. Default.

Table 152 Decollation Parameters—Unique to Text Report Cliques

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


Note: The following three parameters are mutually exclusive - only one should be specified. If more than one is specified, the results are unpredictable.

Page Delimiter String


String used to indicate End of Page.

Page Delimiter Hex


Hex value used to indicate End of Page.

Page Delimiter Dec


Decimal value used to indicate End of Page.

Note: The following four parameters are mutually exclusive - only one should be specified. If more than one is specified, the results are unpredictable.

Line Delimiter String


String used to indicate the end of a line.

Line Delimiter Hex


Hex value used to indicate the end of a line.

Default: X’0D0A’ (crlf-carriage return line feed).

Line Delimiter Dec


Decimal value used to indicate the end of a line.

Line Delimiter Length


Specifies a fixed length (number of characters) for each line. Example: 80 (80 characters).

Values: Minimum: 0. Maximum: 32768.

Note: The following parameters are NOT mutually exclusive.

Page Delimiter At End


Indicates whether the page delimiter is located at the end of the page:

  • Yes—page delimiter located at end of page
  • No—page delimiter located at beginning of page

Line Delimiter Delete


Line delimiter is deleted from the Normalized data. Text view is always without line delimiter.

Page Delimiter Delete


Page delimiter is deleted from the Normalized data. Text view is always without line delimiter.

Page Delimiter Pos


Indicates in which column of the line the delimiter is located. Optional. Default: 0 (delimiter located at beginning of line).

Max Chars in Line


Maximum number of characters allowed in a line. If this value is exceed, an error occurs.

Values: Minimum: 0. Maximum: 32768.

Default: 1000.

Max Lines in Page


Maximum number of lines allowed in a page. When this maximum is reached, a new page is started. (This parameter can be used to make additional page breaks beyond those made by Page Delimiter parameters.)

Values: Minimum: 0. Maximum: 32768.

Default: 1000.

Line Delimiter Type


Type of line delimiter used for the report. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • delimited — Each line ends with a line delimiter according to the line delimiter parameters. Default.
  • rdw — Variable length data, each line starts with 4 bytes: xxyy, where:

    xx is the record length

    yy are binary zeros.

  • fixed — all lines have the same length, based on Line Delimiter Length parameter.
  • none — all page is one line.

Add Line Feed


Indicates whether to add line feed at end of each line. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — add line feed at end of each line. This value is needed if the data does not have line feed (for example, with fixed length data).
  • No — Do not add line feed. Default.

Table 153 Rendering Parameters—Unique to Text Report Cliques

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


Font File Name


Name of the font file that is used for text reports.

Default: Determined according to the Report Encoding and Report Language parameters.

(For example, when the encoding is Latin 1 the default file name is cour.ttf, which is the True Type file name of Courier New).

Font Name


The name of the font that is used for text reports. When a true type font collection (TTC) is specified for the Font File Name, this parameter must be specified.

Font Size


The size of the font in points.

Valid values are: Minimum: 1. Maximum: 99. Optional. Default is 10.

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Control-D Report Clique Definition Screen