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Common Report Clique Parameters

Parameters common to all types of Report Cliques are described in the following table.

Table 150 Common Report Clique Parameters

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


General Parameters

Report Format


Type (format) of the report. Valid values include AFP, XRX, PCL, TXT, PDF, PS.

Note: Each report type, except PDF, has its own unique parameter section described later in this chapter.

Report Clique Name


Unique name assigned to the Report Clique.

Default: Untitled.

Owner of Report Clique


User ID of the Report Clique owner.

Report Clique Change Date


Date that the Report Clique was last changed.

Report Clique Change Time


Time that the Report Clique was last changed.

Page Width in Inches


Page width, measured in inches. If the page width is smaller than the report width, the report is truncated. If the page width is larger than the report width, the page has extra space.

Default: 0. This indicates that the width of the report page taken from the report definition.


  • In Text reports, the width does not affect the text view.
  • This parameter does not influence Xerox reports.

Page Height in Inches


Page height, measured in inches. If the page height is smaller than the report height, the report is truncated. If the page height is larger than the report height, the page has extra space.

Default: 0. This indicates that the height of the report page taken from the report definition.


  • In Text reports, the height does not affect the text view.
  • This parameter does not influence Xerox reports.


  • It is recommended that you use the default page width and height for all formats.
  • If the report is rotated 90º or 270º, the "Page Height in Inches" value is used for the width, and the "Page Width in Inches" value is used for the height.

OS390 Resource Library List Name


Name of a set of System Resource Libraries from which all default resources are taken. Up to 8 characters. Blanks are not allowed.

Default: *.

The Resource Library list names are defined in the $$TRNRES member in the CTDPARM library.

Fail on missing resources


Indicates whether to abort the transformation if non-critical resources are missing. Valid values are:

  • Never—never abort when resources are missing
  • Always—always abort when resources are missing
  • Decollate—only abort when decollating the report, but not when viewing it. Default.

Row Col Parameters

Include Comments in Rowcol Page


Yes or No. Indicates whether to add the report comments at the end of the rowcol page, in orientation 0. Optional. Default: No

Note: For AFP, this parameter applies to the data from the TLE and NOP records of AFP pages.

Number of Rows


Number of grid rows into which the report page is divided. Default: 150.

Number of Columns


Number of grid columns into which the report page is divided. Default: 150.

Text Orientation 0


Yes or No. Indicates whether the transformer checks for text at 0 degrees. Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 90


Yes or No. Indicates whether the transformer checks for text at 90 degrees. Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 180


Yes or No. Indicates whether the transformer checks for text at 180 degrees. Default: Yes.

Text Orientation 270


Yes or No. Indicates whether the transformer checks for text at 270 degrees. Default: Yes.

Fonts to Ignore


A list of fonts, separated by commas, that are ignored. Optional. Default: None (all fonts included).

Note: For AFP fonts, the font name must begin with C0. For example, specify C0H1001B even if the font name is C1H1001B.

Include External Overlays


Yes or No. Indicates whether text in external overlays is included in transformation. Optional. Default: Yes.

Include Internal Overlays


Yes or No. Indicates whether text in internal overlays is included in transformation. Optional. Default: Yes.

Rendering Parameters



Degree of clockwise rotation of the report. Valid values are: 0, 90, 180, 270.

Default: 0.



Indicates whether shadowing should appear: Valid values are:

  • Yes—allow shadowing to appear
  • No—remove shadowing
  • Only High—Shadowing appears only in high resolution output (printing). Default.

Shadowing Style


Specifies the type of shadowing. Valid values are:

  • Gray—Shadowing is displayed as solid gray. Recommended for viewing. Default.
  • Pattern—Shadowing is displayed as a pattern of lines. Recommended for printing.

Half Tone


Yes or No. Indicates whether the Halftone algorithm (which allows grays) is used for drawing bitmap images: Valid values are:

  • Yes—use the Halftone algorithm. Default.
  • No—use the Black on White algorithm (everything appears in black or white, no grays)

Max Render Pages


Maximum number of pages to transform.

Default: 2000.

Font Mapping Table Name


Name of the table that is used for font mapping. Optional. Default: fontmap

Split Words


Indicates whether to split words and recalculate their location. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — Split words according to blanks. This value is useful when the original font is wider than rendering font, and the report contains tables. It results in a larger PDF.
  • No — If there is one blank between words, leave as a sentence. Default.



Specifies whether the resulting output is in color. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — The colors in the original report are displayed in the PDF or HTML output. Default.
  • No — The output is in black and white only.

PDF Rendering Parameters

Add Background Image


File name of an image (for example copy.gif) that is added over each page of the PDF file. The image must reside in the default resource directory (installation/transformer/res). Supported image types are those supported by PDFlib: gif, tif, jpg, png, bmp. The image is always displayed from the left bottom corner of the page.

Optional. Default: no image.



Indicates whether printing the PDF file is allowed (that is, permission is granted). Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — Printing the PDF file is allowed. Default.
  • No — Printing the PDF file is not allowed.



Indicates whether copying the PDF file is allowed (that is, permission is granted). Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — Copying the PDF file is allowed. Default.
  • No — Copying the PDF file is not allowed.



Indicates whether modifying the PDF file in Acrobat is allowed (that is, permission is granted). Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — Modifying the PDF file is allowed. Default.
  • No — Modifying the PDF file is not allowed.

Note: If a PRINT mission generates a PDF report with STORE=Y and Modify = N, the PDF is protected against extracting anything. With these settings, Application Server cannot extract data (from an indexed report) to create a partial report according to the required index.

Font Subsetting


Limits font embedding to only those characters that are actually used in the PDF document (instead of all characters in the font). Optional. Valid values are:

  • Yes — Embed only those characters used. Default.
  • No — Embed all characters in the font.

Master Password


Indicates whether a master password is required to change any security settings (such as permissions, user password, or master password). Default: No.

PDF Resolution


Resolution of the PDF image file. Higher resolutions produce better quality images, while lower resolutions produce smaller files and faster transformations.

Valid values are: from 72 through 300. Default: 300.

Pdf Raster


Specifies which elements are rastered on a bitmap and inserted into the PDF as a background image. Valid values are:

  • None - all elements are drawn in the PDF as PDF elements:

    — Rastered text that is not mapped by the fontmap.tbl is inserted into the PDF file as TYPE3 fonts. Default.

    — Graphics elements are drawn as PDF graphic elements.

  • All - all elements, except mapped fonts, are rastered on a bitmap and inserted into the PDF as a background image.
  • Graphics - all graphics elements (such as lines and filled areas) are rastered on a bitmap and added to the PDF as a background image. Other elements are drawn in the PDF as PDF elements.
  • Text - all rastered text are rastered on a bitmap and added to the PDF as a background image. Other elements are drawn on the PDF as PDF elements.

PDF Encoding


Text encoding. Supported language encoding. Optional. Valid values are:

  • None (Latin-1 encoding). Default.
  • Unicode-all other encoding (the text in the PDF is in Unicode)

Code Page


Code page used. Optional. Default selected according to the PDF Encoding parameter.

HTML Rendering Parameters



X-resolution of the output PNG or HTML. This does not affect PDF output. Higher values create a longer image.

Valid values are: From 10 through 300. Default: 96.



Y-resolution of the output PNG or HTML. This does not affect PDF output. Higher values create a wider image.

Valid values are: From 10 through 300. Default: 96.

Background Image Url


URL of an image that is displayed as a background for the HTML page. The image is always displayed from the top left corner of the page. Optional. No default.

Use EOT Fonts


Yes/No indicator whether EOT fonts are used if EOT Web-enabled fonts are mapped in the font-mapping table. Default: Yes

Use PFR Fonts


Yes/No indicator whether PFR fonts are used if PFR Web-enabled fonts are mapped in the font-mapping table. Default: Yes

X Offset


Causes text and images to move horizontally. Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right. Values are specified in pixels, based on the original document resolution. Default: 0

Y Offset


Causes the text and images to move vertically. Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down. Values are specified in pixels, based on the original document resolution. Default: 0

Background Color


Color of the HTML background. Optional. Default: none (the default color set by the browser is used).

Foreground Color


Color of the HTML foreground. Optional. Default: none (the default color set by the browser is used).

Image XResolution


Specifies the X resolution of the output BACKGROUND image. The actual HTML size is determined by the X/Y resolution parameter. The quality of printed HTML graphics is better with higher resolution. When Image XResolution is not set, but Image YResolution is set, the same value is used for Image XResolution. Valid values are:

Minimum: 0 (indicates that this parameter is ignored). Default.

Maximum: 300.

Image YResolution


Specifies the Y resolution of the output BACKGROUND image. The actual HTML size is determined by the X/Y resolution parameter. The quality of printed HTML graphics is better with higher resolution. When Image YResolution is not set, but Image XResolution is set, the same value is used for Image YResolution. Valid values are:

Minimum: 0 (indicates that this parameter is ignored). Default.

Maximum: 300.

PCL Rendering Parameters

PCL Paper Source


Name of the PCL paper source (paper size). Optional. Default: A4

PCL Resolution


PCL printout resolution in bpi (bytes per inch). Valid values are:

  • 300. Default.
  • 600

PCL Margins



Indicates whether the page is created with margins. Optional. Valid values are:

Yes—page created with margins; the page is smaller so all the data fits within the margins. Default.

No—page printed as is; data positioned in the margin area is lost.

Note: The PCL Margins parameter (from releases 3.2.00 and 3.5.00) was replaced with the following three parameters.

PCL Scale


Percent by which to decrease the size of the output page. This is useful if the PCL margins cause printed data to be lost. Optional.

Minimum: 0. Maximum: 80.

Default: 0 (no scaling)

PCL Y Offset


Shifts the text and images on the rendered page vertically, according to the number of pixels specified. Negative numbers shift the data up, and positive numbers shift the data down.

Optional. Minimum: -12,000. Maximum: 12,000. Default: 0 (no shift).

PCL X Offset


Shifts the text and images on the rendered page horizontally, according to the number of pixels specified. Negative numbers shift the data left, and positive numbers shift the data right.

Optional. Minimum: -12,000. Maximum: 12,000. Default: 0 (no shift).

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Control-D Report Clique Definition Screen