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Parameters Unique to AFP Report Cliques

The following Report Clique parameters are unique to AFP reports.

Table 154 Parameters Unique to Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) Report Cliques

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


Afp Formdef Name


Name of the FORMDEF used in the report.

Default: The first FORMDEF in the resource section of the report.

AFP Input Type;


The type of AFP input. Valid values are:

  • AfpCategory4 - AFP Category 4
  • AfpCategory5 - AFP Category 5. Default.

Anything less than AfpCategory5 is treated as AfpCategory4.

Afp Pagedef Name


The name of the Pagedef used in the report. Optional. Used for AFP Category 4 input only.

Default: first Pagedef in the resource section of the report.

Record Delimiter


The input report record type. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • rdw - variable length data, each record starting with XXYY , where XX designates the record length and YY is binary zeros.
  • fixed - all records have the same length. Used for AFP Category 4 input only.

Length of input records


The record length of input fixed-type AFP records. Used for AFP Category 4 input only. (For rdw-type records, this parameter is ignored.)

Maximum number is 32760. Default: 133.

Print control character


The type of Print control characters used. Used for AFP Category 4 input only. Valid values are:

  • ASA. Default.

Code of input AFP


The code of the AFP input. Used for AFP Category 4 input only. This parameter refers to the original encoding of the report. Reports translated from EBCDIC to ASCII do work (because the Code Pages used are for EBCDIC reports). Valid values are:

  • EBCDIC. Default.

TRC character used


The parameter determines if TRC character exists in report. Used for AFP Category 4 input only. Valid values:

  • Yes
  • No

Default: No

Parent Topic

Control-D Report Clique Definition Screen