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Color/Mask Lines Based On Strings for view and mask

The option for viewing allows you to specify report viewing colors for specific lines and columns based on string occurrences in the report page. String specification in the Color Lines screen does not limit record inclusion or exclusion in the report, and color and highlight definitions are more flexible in the Color Lines screen than in the Include and Exclude screens.

The option for masking allows you to specify report masking for specific lines and columns based on string occurrences in the report page. String specification in the Mask Lines screen does applied for records defined in the Include and Exclude screens.

When this option is chosen, either the screen of Figure 127, for view ruler, or Figure 127a, for mask ruler, is displayed.

Figure 127 Color Lines Based On Strings Screen

-------------  CONTROL-D - COLOR / MASK LINES BASED ON STRINGS  -------(U.E.4)

COMMAND ===>                                                  Apply on header Y

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

PLEASE FILL IN THE SELECTION STRINGS                                   13.03.02

Figure 127a Color Lines Based On Strings Screen

--------------  CONTROL-D - COLOR / MASK LINES BASED ON STRINGS  ------(U.E.4)

COMMAND ===>                                                               

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   MASK              ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   MASK              ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   MASK              ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

PLEASE FILL IN THE SELECTION STRINGS                                   17.09.17

Each String and Color definition is comprised of two lines:

ON STR line

Identifies the string and its column (and line) range. If the string is found, coloring is applied as specified in the next (COLOR) line.

Table 113 ON STR Line Fields




The search string is specified in this field.


Column range in which the search is made for the string. Maximum column range is 001 – 256.


Line range in which the search is made for the string. Line number values can be defined in either n format or Ln format. Line numbers in n format are counted from the top of the page; line numbers in Ln format are counted from the bottom of the page. Maximum line range is 001 – 256; the line range applies to each page of the report.

Logical operators are recognized in string specification (as described under the topic Include Lines Based on Strings).

COLOR line

This line specifies the color (and/or highlight) code to be applied, and how it should be applied:

Table 114 Color Line for Color Lines Based on Strings Screen




Desired color code. Valid values:

  • R – Red
  • G – Green
  • B – Blue
  • P – Pink
  • Y – Yellow
  • T – Turquoise
  • Q – White


Desired highlight code. Valid values:

  • U – Underscore
  • R – Reverse video
  • B – Blink
  • blank – Regular


Specify how the color and highlight codes should be applied if the string is found in the specified location. Indicate Y (Yes) in one of the following Y/N fields:

  • STRING – Color and highlight the found string only
  • LINE – Color and highlight the entire line where the string is found
  • COL/LINE range – Color and highlight the column and line range specified in these fields. These values might differ from the COL and LINE where the string is found

The Color Lines screen also has an Apply on Header field that optionally applies the color criteria if the string is found in the header line.


This line specifies the mask character to be applied, and how it should be applied:

Table 114a Mask Line for Masked Lines Based on Strings Screen




Desired mask character filling the data.


Specify how the mask character should be applied if the string is found in the specified location. Indicate Y (Yes) in one of the following Y/N fields:

  • STRING – Mask character fills the found string only
  • LINE – Mask character fills the entire line where the string is found
  • COL/LINE range – Mask character fills the column and line range specified in these fields. These values might differ from the COL and LINE where the string is found


Below is an example of a Color Lines Based on Strings definition, followed by an indication of the resulting color coding in the report.

Figure 128 Color Lines Based on Strings Example

--------------  CONTROL-D - COLOR / MASK LINES BASED ON STRINGS  -------(U.E.4)

COMMAND ===>                                                  Apply on header N


ON STR 11                                          COL 030 - 031 LINE     -

   COLOR B HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE Y  or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR .GT. 05                                     COL 101 - 102 LINE     -

   COLOR R HILITE    ON: STRING Y  or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR .GT. 10                                     COL 107 - 108 LINE     -

   COLOR G HILITE    ON: STRING Y  or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

ON STR                                             COL     -     LINE     -

   COLOR   HILITE    ON: STRING    or  LINE    or  COL     -     LINE     -

PLEASE FILL IN THE SELECTION STRINGS                                   17.53.56

In the above example:

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