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Exiting the Ruler Definition Environment

When you enter the END command (PF03/PF15) from the Ruler Definition entry panel and you have already entered a ruler, an Exit Option window is displayed.

Figure 129 Ruler Definition Environment Exit Option Window

------------------------  CONTROL-D - REPORT EDITING  --------------------(U.E)

COMMAND/OPT ===>                            +---------------------------------+

USR PROD     REP EMPLOYEES REPORT           |                                 |

                                            |    PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION    |

                                            |                                 |

  RULER NAME  ===> EMPVAC                   |    Exit option ===>             |

  RULER TYPE  ===> VIEW                     |                                 |

  REPORT NAME ===>                          |     1  KEEP ruler active        |

  JOB NAME    ===>                          |     2  CLEAR (no ruler)         |

  USER NAME   ===>                          |     3  SAVE ruler as:           |

                                            |                                 |

                                            |    Ruler name  ===> EMPVAC      |

  1   EDIT    report lines and columns      |    Ruler type  ===> VIEW        |

                                            |                                 |

  2   INCLUDE lines based on strings        +---------------------------------+


  3   EXCLUDE lines based on strings                                           


  4   COLOR   lines based on strings                                           






You can choose between three options:

  1. KEEP ruler active. The ruler remains in memory and is activated on the same report or job. It is not saved in the file for future use. The ruler is erased from memory if you enter a new ruler name (using the RULER command), or if you enter into a new user or report entry.
  2. CLEAR. The ruler is erased from memory. The report or job is shown without a ruler. If the ruler previously existed, it is not erased from the file, but any changes to the ruler definition are not saved.
  3. SAVE ruler as. The ruler is saved in the file with the name and type specified in the RULER NAME and RULER TYPE fields. By default these fields contain the same name and type used when the ruler definition began. You can change the ruler name and the ruler type when saving rulers. If a previous ruler with the same name exists, it is overwritten by the new ruler. For a View ruler, the new name is the current active ruler.

NOTE. A Mask ruler can only be created for a specific report. The Mask rulers are stored only in the Permanent User file, not in the Active User file. You can delete a Mask ruler from the Permanent User file using U,1-screen.

Parent Topic

Editing (Reformatting) Reports